Microservices scaffolding for Kubernetes and Ambassador API Gateway.
You should be familiar with Kubernetes, Helm and Docker.
- docker
- kubectl
- helm
- access to push to a docker registry such as dockerhub
- ambassador installed in your cluster
.. and a valid kubectl configuration for an active Kubernetes cluster with helm tiller installed.
First, install Yeoman, yarn, and generator-micro-kube using npm.
npm install -g yo yarn generator-micro-kube
Then generate your new lerna monorepo microservices project:
yo micro-kube
Once you have created a project, you can create packages using:
yarn generate-package
Use the following npm script to lint, test, build, and start your service in a local docker container:
yarn svc-docker
A basic helm chart is generated for each package. To deploy to Kubernetes:
- build and publish the docker container using:
yarn publish
- install the helm chart:
yarn svc-deploy
- upgrade the helm chart when you have published new versions using:
yarn svc-upgrade
A starting point Artillery config is generated for each package:
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