This repo shows a couple of examples of approaches to take advantage of react ui components in the context of an existing AngularJs 1.5+ app. These approaches may be helpful during a progressive replatform. The examples use TypeScript for both the AngularJs host app, and the React components consumed.
Two approaches for sharing react commponents into an AngularJs app are demonstrated.
- react2angular
- ngReact (directive - also compatible below v1.5)
Note that if you wish to convert Angular 1.5+ components to React, you could look at: 3. angular2react
This module allows for React components to be used inside AngularJs 1.5+ apps. This done by leveraging the newer Angular 'Component' type.
- React component class is transformed to angular component, and added to app.
- React component app/src/react/MyReactComponentOne.ts
- Angular app register component app/src/boot/boot.ts
angularmodule('app', []).component('MyReactComponentOne', react2angular(MyReactComponentOne, ['foo', 'bar']))
- Use the component
This module provides an Angular directive 'react-component' that can act as a bridge between Angular and React.
- React component class is added to Angular app as a 'value'.
- React component app/src/react/MyReactComponentTwo.react.tsx
- Angular app add value app/src/boot/boot.ts
angular.module('app', []).value('MyReactComponentTwo', MyReactComponentTwo);
Please see the full documentation.
Angular template uses the 'react-component' directive, passing React component name and props.
<div ng-controller="SampleController"> <react-component name="HelloComponent" props="$ctrl.selected" watch-depth="reference"/> </div>
This module also provides a 'reactDirective' service that can be used as a factory for named directives.
Please see the full documentation.
This can be accomplished via injected services in the case of react2angular, however redux and ng-redux should be considered.
Clone this repo and then
yarn && yarn start