ZJSON 中文介绍
From node.Js back to c++. I especially miss the pleasure of using json in javascript, so try to diy one. I used many libraries, such as: rapidjson, cJson, CJsonObject, drleq cppjson, json11, etc. Zjson's data structure is greatly inspired by cJOSN. The parsing part refers to json11, thanks! Finally, because data storage needs not only to distinguish values, but also to know their types. I choose std:: variant and std:: any which supported by C++17. Finally, the C++ version is fixed at C++17. This library is designed as a single header file, not relying on any other lib than the C++ standard library.
Simple interface functions, simple use methods, flexible data structures, and support chain operations as much as possible. Realizing the simplest design using template technology. Adding a child object of Json only needs one function -- addSubitem, which automatically identifies whether it is a value or a child Json object. The Json object is stored in a linked list structure (refers to cJSON). Please see my data structure design as follows. The header and the following nodes use the same structure, which enables chained operations during index operations ([]).
At present, the project has completed most of functions. Please refer to the task list for details.
task list:
- constructor(Object & Array)
- constructor(values)
- JSON serializable constructor
- copy constructor
- initializer_list constructor
- destructor
- operator=
- operator[]
- contains
- getValueType
- getAndRemove
- getAllKeys
- addSubitem(add subitems & add items to array rapidly)
- toString(generate josn string)
- toInt、toDouble、toFalse
- toVector
- isError、isNull、isArray
- parse - from Json string to Json object
- Extend - Json
- concat - Json
- push_front - Json
- push_back - Json
- insert - Json
- clear
- std::move
- Remove key
- Remove intger
- pop pop_back pop_front
- removeFirst removeLast remove(for array)
- slice
- takes take
- performance test and comparison for recursive version
- algorithm non recursion
- performance test and comparison again
For internal use, the data type is only used inside the Json class
enum Type {
Error, //error or a invalid Json
False, //Json value type - false
True, //Json value type - true
Null, //Json value type - null
Number, //Json value type - numerial
String, //Json value type - string
Object, //Json object type
Array //Json object type
class Json {
Json* brother; //like cJSON's next
Json* child; //chile node, for object type
Type type; //node type
std::variant <int, bool, double, string> data; //node's data
string name; //node's key
Object type, only support Object and Array.
enum class JsonType
Object = 6,
Array = 7
Api list
- Json(JsonType type = JsonType::Object) //constructor default, can generate Object or Array
- template<typename T> Json(T value, string key="") //value constructor
- Json(const Json& origin) //move constructor
- Json(Json&& rhs) //copy constructor
- Json(string jsonStr) //deserialized constructor
- explicit Json(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const std::string, Json>> values) //initializer_list Object constructor
- Json& operator = (const Json& origin)
- Json& operator = (Json&& origin)
- Json operator[](const int& index)
- Json operator[](const string& key)
- template<typename T> bool addSubitem(T value)
- template<typename T> bool addSubitem(string name, T value) //add a subitem
- string toString()
- bool isError()
- bool isNull()
- bool isObject()
- bool isArray()
- bool isNumber()
- bool isTrue()
- bool isFalse()
- int toInt()
- float toFloat()
- double toDouble()
- bool toBool()
- vector<Json> toVector()
- bool extend(Json value)
- bool concat(Json value) //for array object
- bool push_front(Json value) //for array object
- bool push_back(Json value) //for array object
- bool insert(int index, Json value) //for array object
- void clear() //clear child
- void remove(const string &key)
- bool contains(const string& key)
- string getValueType() //return value's type in string
- Json getAndRemove(const string& key)
- std::vectorstd::string getAllKeys()
Json subObject{{"math", 99},{"str", "a string."}};
Json mulitListObj{{"fkey", false},{"strkey","ffffff"},{"num2", 9.98}, {"okey", subObject}};
Json subArray(JsonType::Array);
Json ajson(JsonType::Object);
std::string data = "kevin";
ajson.add("fail", false);
ajson.add("name", data);
ajson.add("school-en", "the 85th.");
ajson.add("age", 10);
ajson.add("scores", 95.98);
ajson.add("nullkey", nullptr);
Json sub;
sub.add("math", 99);
ajson.addValueJson("subJson", sub);
Json subArray(JsonType::Array);
subArray.add("I'm the first one.");
subArray.add("two", 2);
Json sub2;
sub2.add("sb2", 222);
subArray.addValueJson("subObj", sub2);
ajson.addValueJson("array", subArray);
std::cout << "ajson's string is : " << ajson.toString() << std::endl;
string name = ajson["name"].toString();
int oper = ajson["sb2"].toInt();
Json operArr = ajson["array"];
string first = ajson["array"][0].toString();
result of mulitListObj:
"fkey": false,
"strkey": "ffffff",
"num2": 9.98,
"okey": {
"math": 99,
"str": "a string."
result of ajson:
"fail": false,
"name": "kevin",
"school-en": "the 85th.",
"age": 10,
"scores": 95.98,
"nullkey": null,
"subJson": {
"math": 99
"array": [
"I'm the first one.",
"sb2": 222
Detailed description, please move to demo.cpp or unit test in tests catalogue.
The project is built in vs2019, gcc7.5, clang12.0 success.
git clone https://github.com/zhoutk/zjson
cd zjson
cmake -Bbuild .
cd build && cmake --build .
---linux & mac
cd build && make
run zjson or ctest
zorm (General Encapsulation of Relational Database)