Before we start please make sure your server has access to:
- Unix-base shell
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- OpenSSL
You can either clone this repo
git clone
or download it directly from PACS server.
If you already have the
files do not generate them again. Go straight to Build the server section and run your server with existing certificate.
Before we starty storing data on the server we have to secure the connection between the server and the viewer. We're going to use Transport Layer Security (TSL). First, we have to generate certificate (.crt
) and key (.key
) files. Because we're doing it from the local server we're going to use OpenSSL (we don't need external party to sign certificate, if you want to use it on the external server you should sign with something like Let's Encrypt).
To generate local certifiate please execute following command in the terminal window (make sure openssl
is installed).
openssl req -x509 \
-nodes -days 365 \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout zhiva.key \
-out zhiva.crt \
-subj "/C=PL/L=Wroclaw/O=Your Company, Inc./CN=localhost"
Change -subj
to describe your organization:
- country code (2 letter code)L
- location (city name)O
- organization nameCN
- full domain name (uselocalhost
for local servers)
Then copy .crt
file as trusted certificate:
cat zhiva.crt > trusted.crt
At this point you should have 2 .crt
files and 1 .key
file. Check this by calling
ls *.{crt,key}
from your main directory. It should return following result trusted.crt zhiva.crt zhiva.key
If one of those files is missing go back to Generate local TSL certificate section and make sure you have all of them.
openssl genrsa -out jwt_priv.pem 512
openssl rsa -pubout -in jwt_priv.pem -out jwt_pub.pem
Run setup docker image
docker-compose --file ./setup/docker-compose.yml build zhiva_setup
docker-compose --file ./setup/docker-compose.yml run zhiva_setup
You should be prompted for admin password (Enter the admin password:
). Store that password in your password management software becuase you won't e able to read it directly.
Setup configuration should be stored in .env
For Macbook M1/M2 (any Apple Silicon chips):
- Go to
- change
FROM node:18-alpine
toFROM node:18
docker-compose up
For everyone else (including macbooks with Intel chips):
docker-compose up
After starting the server you should be able to access localhost/zhiva/app/explorer.html#upload where you can upload your files.
You might be prompted with the message about invalid SSL certificate. This is caused by using OpenSSL to generate certificate for
and that certificate has no 3rd party that confirms its authenticity. It's fine for local network but remember to use proper certificate if the server is accessible from outside your network.
Warning !!!
Firefox has an issue with origin forwarding when "JavaScript code is running with enhanced privileges" which translates to "when running on not signed certificate website". This cannot be helper so please use another browser for things like generating tokens (e.g. Chrome).
For every user in your system you have to generate new user account. To do this, you should access https://localhost/auth/token and enter required fields. Admin Password is the password you've entered in Generate server settings. At the end you'll be presented with one-off AuthToken.
Auth Token is used to sign-in user in zhiva application. You can do it by selecting zhiva Auth as Authentication Type in Settings -> Servers inside the application. You'll be presented with two options to authenticate user.
The first is Token and this is the place when you can paste your token. After than you can validate your token.
The second option is to use Login with zhiva button. You have to provide likt to authentication server sign-in website. Paste https://localhost/auth/sign-in
into the input field and click on the login button. You will be prompted for username and password (you've created the user a second ago). After login you'll be redirected back to the application with server already configured.
Because this version of the server works with tokens you have to generate one in order to access local explorer. To generate token you have to go through the proces from https://localhost/auth/token again. At the end just copy the token and access explorer by adding this token as query parameter. Your URI should look like this:
Remember to give your token "Can edit PACS resources?" access, otherwise you won't be able to modify anything on the server.
This token expires in 24h or when the user uses it to login.
If you have more than one computer inside your network (or VPN connection), then you can share the server settings with them. To check the server address please run the following command:
Linux or Mac:
and look for the setting with the inet
value that starts with 192.168.
. That should by your address in the local network. You should be able to access the upload page from 192.168.x.x:8042/app/explorer.html?token=XYZ
If you're using a different domain than default https://*
, make sure you modify ZHIVA_AUTH_ALLOWED_ORIGINS
variable in .env
file. This variable stores list of allowed origins to use Auth Service. If you want to add another one please change the value to whatever origin you're using (use *
as wildcard). E.g:
- My application works on my custom domain
- My application works on multiple custom subdomains under my own domain
- My application works on multiple custom domains,,,
# comma separated values
Go to localhost/zhiva/app/explorer.html#upload and click on Select files to upload
After selecting all the DICOMs click Start the upload
to store them on the server.
All DICOMs are stored in Docker's persistent volume so even after restarting the server all your files are still accessible.
Now you should be able to access studies which were generated after uploading DICOM files. List of studies is available at https://localhost/zhiva/app/explorer.html#find-studies.
- "Why my server doesn't accept very large DICOM files?"
There is an maximum file size setting inside server config. If you want to change that please go to ./nginx.conf
and modify:
client_max_body_size 2000m;