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Jonas Eschle edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 1 revision

How to document


AOT substitutions

One problem with documentation (especially of parameters) is that one either duplicates (copy paste) a docstring for a parameter that is used in multiple places (such as the documentation of the "norm" of a PDF), or one substitutes it dynamically. The former is definitely not DRY, while the latter has the disadvantage that a) there is a lot of dynamizism going on when building the docs. Typically, a method is then decorated with something, and if that fails, it would fail the execution of the code. This should be separated. But more strikingly, b) as a developer, the documentation is not in real-time available

zfit opts for a third option: ahead-of-time substitutions that will be executed with pre-commit. There is a substitution file in utils/api, named argdocs.yaml, which contains keys that will be substituted and a python file, that replaces the substitutions. To be precise, the content that will be inserted into the start and end of the directive. An example


will be written in docstrings. The key here is pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights.

Meanwhile, we need to add the docstring in the substitution file:

pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights: |1+
   Individual event weight of *data*.

with the docstring being "Individual event weight of *data*." (multiline is also possible, see other examples there).

Executing the pre-commit will render the above to

"""|@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Individual event weight of *data*. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|"""

making the docstring accessible for developers.

When the docs get made, the commands |@doc:...| and |@docend:...| get replaced by a whitespace without size, so as to vanish for the viewers eyes.