Stable EFI (21102023)
- OpenCore 0.9.6
- AppleALC 1.8.6
- BlueToolFixup 2.6.9
- CPUFriend 1.2.8
- FeatureUnlock 1.1.6
- IntelMausi 1.0.8
- Lilu 1.6.8
- NVMeFix 1.1.2
- VirtualSMC 1.3.3
- WhateverGreen 1.6.7
Additional kexts
- AirportItlwm 2.3.0 (precompiled version for Sonoma only, compiling from source results in a driver that detects networks but can't connect)
- IntelBluetooth 2.3.0 (compiled from source with only the required firmware)
- RealtekCardReader 0.9.7
- RealtekCardReaderFriend 1.0.4