Online trajectory generation with bounded velocity and acceleration. Works for multiple direction case.
Dependency: Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (Peter Corke)
the folder structure should look like
├── accOpt
│ ├── acc_optimal
│ ├── RobClass
│ ├── Utils
│ ├── judp.m
│ └──
>> addpath(genpath('./accOpt'));
>> rob = RobVizLRMate;
>> rob.InitPlot;
determine maximum linear velocity Vm
, maximum linear acceleration Am
, and sampling time dt
>> rob.anim( Vm, Am, dt );
e.g. Vm=1 m/s, Am=10 m/s^2, dt=1/30 s, use rob.anim(1,10,1/30);
then drag blue ball using mouse. The robot should try to reach the blue ball with Vm and Am in real time. Orientation will be determined automatically.
License: BSD (