Formal definition and modeling scenarios: ILA Wiki.
To build ILA synthesis tool, look in the synthesis/libcpp directory.
For some examples, see the examples directory.
For API documents and tutorials, see the docs directory.
(Invited) Specification and Modeling for Systems-on-Chip Security Verification. Sharad Malik and Pramod Subramanyan. Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference. (DAC 2016), Austin, TX. June 2016. [PDF]
Verifying Information Flow Properties of Firmware using Symbolic Execution. Pramod Subramanyan, Sharad Malik, Hareesh Khattri, Abhranil Maiti and Jason Fung. Proceedings of Design Automation and Test in Europe. (DATE 2016). Dresden, Germany, March 2016. [PDF]
Template-based Synthesis of Instruction-Level Abstractions for SoC Verification. Pramod Subramanyan, Yakir Vizel, Sayak Ray and Sharad Malik. Proceedings of Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design. (FMCAD 2015). Austin, TX, September 2015. [PDF]