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Repository Layout
:core: Everything in the `visad.*` and `edu.ssec.wisc.mcidas.*` namespace.
:deps: Third party dependencies
:examples: VisAD examples with the default namespace (no java package).


	|-- core 
	|   |-- build
	|   |-- lib
	|   `-- src
	|       |-- edu/...
	|       `-- visad/...
	|-- deps
	|   |-- build
	|   `-- src
	|       |-- HTTPClient/...
	|       |-- Jama/...
	|       |-- dods/...
	|       |-- gnu/...
	|       |-- loci/...
	|       |-- ncsa/...
	|       |-- nom/...
	|       `-- ucar/...
	`-- examples
	    |-- build
	    |-- lib
	    `-- src

There are 4 main build files (the old visad/build.xml has been removed).
The main build file `./build.xml` can be used to build the sub-projects
and create the main VisAD distribution files. Each sub-project also has 
its own build file that can be used to perform basic build/clean/jar
operations for just that project.

You can use `ant -p` to display build script target descriptions
for each ant file for more information.

Building the Distribution
Check out
Run `ant dist`

Building the Core
You can either work from the entire SVN tree (
or check out only the core (

From your working copy you can simply run any of the commands listed by `ant -p`.

If you jar the core it will extract `lib/visaddeps.jar` and include the class files
in the generated visad.jar.

Building the Examples
You can either work from the entire SVN tree (
or check out only the core (

The examples project build file check to see if VisAD is available as either a jar file
in the exmples project lib directory or in ../core (assuming you checked out all of 
visad/trunk). If it cannot find VisAD it attempts to call ../core/build.xml to build
it before compiling the examples.  If you have VisAD in another location you can compile
the examples as follows::

    ant -Dvisad.dir=<YOUR VISAD DIR> build

VisAD and Eclipse

First, download and install Eclipse. These instructions assume you will be using
Eclipse >= v3.2. There are multiple flavors of Eclipse that can add varying
amounts of bloat. I recommend you keep it simple and stick to "Eclipse IDE for 
Java Developers."  

:Note: These instructions were written from a Mac, so you may have to adjust 
       slightly for your platform.

Install Subclipse
Unfortunately, at this time Eclipse does not by default come with SVN 
capabilities, so you have to install the Subclipse SVN Plugin 

	* Open Eclipse
	* Select a workspace (where all your project will be saved)
	* Start the `Install New Software` wizard. (`Help > Install New Software`)
	* Put this URL in the `Work with` box:
	  and click `Add`.
	* Give your new software update site a name and click `OK`.
	* Check all boxes in the software list and click `Next`.
	* Complete the install process by reviewing the install details, accepting
	  the license, and restarting Eclipse.
	* Ensure you have a valid SVN client selected
		- Open the preferences and select `Team > SVN`
		- Under `SVN Interface` select `SVNKit` and click `OK`

Create and Checkout Projects

	* From the menubar select `File > New > Other`
	* In the new dialog select `SVN > Check Projects from SVN` and click `Next`
	* Select `Create a new repository location` and click next.
	* Enter as the url (http*s* not http),
	  and click `Next`
	* Select `trunk > core` and click `Finish`
	* (optional) Do the same for `deps` and `examples` if desired.

Building from Eclipse

	* From the menubar select `Window > Show View > Ant`
	* In the `Ant` view tab, right-click and select `Add Buildfiles`
	* Select the build file for each sub-project created above and click `OK`
	* In the `Ant` view tab, expand a project and select the build target to run


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