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ethstaker-deposit-cli is a tool for creating EIP-2335 format BLS12-381 keystores and a corresponding deposit_data*.json file for Ethereum Staking Launchpad. One can also provide a keystore file to generate a signed_exit_transaction*.json file to be broadcast at a later date to exit a validator.

  • Warning: Please generate your keystores on your own safe, completely offline device.
  • Warning: Please backup your mnemonic, keystores, and password securely.

Please read Launchpad Validator FAQs before generating the keys.

You can find the audit report by Trail of Bits here.

Tutorial for users

Build requirements

For Linux or MacOS users

File Permissions

On Unix-based systems, keystores and the deposit_data*.json have 440/-r--r----- file permissions (user & group read only). This improves security by limiting which users and processes that have access to these files. If you are getting permission denied errors when handling your keystores, consider changing which user/group owns the file (with chown) or, if need be, change the file permissions with chmod.

Option 1. Download binary executable file

Step 1. Installation

See releases page to download and decompress the corresponding binary files.

Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run the following command to enter the interactive CLI and generate keys from a new mnemonic:

./deposit new-mnemonic

or run the following command to enter the interactive CLI and generate keys from an existing:

./deposit existing-mnemonic
language Argument

The Launchpad offers many language/internationalization options. If you wish to select one as a CLI argument, it must be passed in before one of the commands is chosen.

Argument Type Description
--language String. Options: العربية, ελληνικά, English, Français, Bahasa melayu, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Português do Brasil, român, 简体中文. Default to English The language you wish to use the CLI in.
--non_interactive flag

Warning: With this flag, there will be no confirmation step(s) to verify the input value(s). This will also ignore the connectivity check. Please use it carefully.

Argument Type Description
--non_interactive Flag Run CLI in non-interactive mode.
--ignore_connectivity flag

Warning: It is strongly recommended not to use this tool with internet access. Ignoring this check can further the risk of theft and compromise of your generated key material.

Argument Type Description
--ignore_connectivity Flag Skip internet connectivity check and warning.

The CLI offers different commands depending on what you want to do with the tool.

Command Description
new-mnemonic (Recommended) This command is used to generate keystores with a new mnemonic.
existing-mnemonic This command is used to re-generate or derive new keys from your existing mnemonic. Use this command, if (i) you have already generated keys with this CLI before, (ii) you want to reuse your mnemonic that you know is secure that you generated elsewhere (reusing your eth wallet mnemonic .etc), or (iii) you lost your keystores and need to recover your keys.
generate-bls-to-execution-change This command is used to generate BLS to execution address change message. This is used to add a withdrawal address to a validator that does not currently have one.
generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore This command is used to sign a BLS to execution address change message with the provided validator key. This is used for a proposed solution to update withdrawal credentials for users who have lost their mnemonic.
exit-transaction-keystore This command is used to create an exit transaction using a keystore file.
exit-transaction-mnemonic This command is used to create an exit transaction using a mnemonic phrase.
partial-deposit This command is used to create a deposit file using a keystore file.
test-keystore This command is used to verify access to the provided keystore file by attempting to decrypt it with the provided keystore password.
new-mnemonic Arguments

You can use new-mnemonic --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--num_validators Non-negative integer The number of signing keys you want to generate. Note that the child key(s) are generated via the same master key.
--mnemonic_language String. Options: 简体中文, 繁體中文, český jazyk, English, Italiano, 한국어, Português, Español. Default to English The language of the mnemonic word list
--folder String. Pointing to ./validator_keys by default The folder path for the keystore(s) and deposit(s)
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--keystore_password String The password that will secure your keystores. You will need to re-enter this to decrypt them when you setup your Ethereum validators. It is recommended not to use this argument when running interactively, and wait for the CLI to ask you for your password, as otherwise it will appear in your shell history. When used in a script, please be sure to also use --non_interactive. A future version may enforce this.
--withdrawal_address String. Ethereum execution address in hexadecimal encoded form If this field is set and valid, the given execution address will be used to create the withdrawal credentials. Otherwise, it will generate withdrawal credentials with the mnemonic-derived withdrawal public key in ERC-2334 format.
--pbkdf2 Flag Will use pbkdf2 key derivation instead of scrypt for generated keystore files as defined in EIP-2335. This can be a good alternative if you intend to work with a large number of keys.
existing-mnemonic Arguments

You can use existing-mnemonic --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--validator_start_index Non-negative integer The index of the first validator's keys you wish to generate. If this is your first time generating keys with this mnemonic, use 0. If you have generated keys using this mnemonic before, use the next index from which you want to start generating keys from. As an example if you've generated 4 keys before (keys #0, #1, #2, #3), then enter 4 here.
--num_validators Non-negative integer The number of new signing keys you want to generate. Note that the child key(s) are generated via the same master key.
--folder String. Pointing to ./validator_keys by default The folder path for the keystore(s) and deposit(s)
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--keystore_password String The password that will secure your keystores. You will need to re-enter this to decrypt them when you setup your Ethereum validators. It is recommended not to use this argument when running interactively, and wait for the CLI to ask you for your password, as otherwise it will appear in your shell history. When used in a script, please be sure to also use --non_interactive. A future version may enforce this.
--withdrawal_address String. Ethereum execution address in hexadecimal encoded form If this field is set and valid, the given execution address will be used to create the withdrawal credentials. Otherwise, it will generate withdrawal credentials with the mnemonic-derived withdrawal public key in ERC-2334 format.
--pbkdf2 Flag Will use pbkdf2 key derivation instead of scrypt for generated keystore files as defined in EIP-2335. This can be a good alternative if you intend to work with a large number of keys.
Successful message

You will see the following messages after successfully generated the keystore(s) and the deposit(s):

Creating your keys:               [####################################]  <N>/<N>
Creating your keystores:          [####################################]  <N>/<N>
Creating your depositdata:        [####################################]  <N>/<N>
Verifying your keystores:         [####################################]  <N>/<N>
Verifying your deposits:          [####################################]  <N>/<N>

Your keys can be found at: <YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
generate-bls-to-execution-change Arguments

You can use generate-bls-to-execution-change --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--bls_to_execution_changes_folder String. Pointing to ./bls_to_execution_changes by default The folder path for the bls_to_execution_change-* JSON file(s)
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--mnemonic String. mnemonic split by space. The mnemonic you used to create withdrawal credentials.
--mnemonic_password Optional string. Empty by default. The mnemonic password you used in your key generation. Note: It's not the keystore password.
--validator_start_index Non-negative integer The index position for the keys to start generating withdrawal credentials in ERC-2334 format.
--validator_indices String of integer(s) A list of the chosen validator index number(s) as identified on the beacon chain. Split multiple items with whitespaces or commas.
--bls_withdrawal_credentials_list String of hexstring(s). A list of the old BLS withdrawal credentials of the given validator(s). It is for confirming you are using the correct keys. Split multiple items with whitespaces or commas.
--withdrawal_address String. Ethereum execution address in hexadecimal encoded form If this field is set and valid, the given execution address will be used to create the withdrawal credentials. Otherwise, it will generate withdrawal credentials with the mnemonic-derived withdrawal public key in ERC-2334 format.
--devnet_chain_setting String. JSON string '{"network_name": "<NETWORK_NAME>", "genesis_fork_version": "<GENESIS_FORK_VERSION>", "exit_fork_version": "<EXIT_FORK_VERSION>", "genesis_validator_root": "<GENESIS_VALIDATOR_ROOT>"}' The custom chain setting of a devnet or testnet. Note that it will override your --chain choice.
generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore Arguments

You can use generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--keystore File The keystore file associating with the validator you wish to sign with. This keystore file should match the provided validator index.
--keystore_password String The password that is used to encrypt the provided keystore. Note: It's not your mnemonic password.
--validator_index Integer The validator index corresponding to the provided keystore.
--withdrawal_address String. Ethereum execution address in hexadecimal encoded form that you wish to set as your withdrawal credentials.
--output_folder String. Pointing to ./bls_to_execution_changes_keystore by default The folder path for the bls_to_execution_change_keystore_signature-* JSON file
--devnet_chain_setting String. JSON string '{"network_name": "<NETWORK_NAME>", "genesis_fork_version": "<GENESIS_FORK_VERSION>", "exit_fork_version": "<EXIT_FORK_VERSION>", "genesis_validator_root": "<GENESIS_VALIDATOR_ROOT>"}' The custom chain setting of a devnet or testnet. Note that it will override your --chain choice.
exit-transaction-keystore Arguments

You can use exit-transaction-keystore --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--keystore File The keystore file associating with the validator you wish to exit.
--keystore_password String The password that is used to encrypt the provided keystore. Note: It's not your mnemonic password.
--validator_index Integer The validator index corresponding to the provided keystore.
--epoch Optional integer. 0 by default The epoch of when the exit transaction will be valid. The transaction will always be valid by default.
--output_folder String. Pointing to ./exit_transaction by default The folder path for the signed_exit_transaction-* JSON file
exit-transaction-mnemonic Arguments

You can use exit-transaction-mnemonic --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--mnemonic String. mnemonic split by space. The mnemonic you used during key generation.
--mnemonic_password Optional string. Empty by default. The mnemonic password you used in your key generation. Note: It's not the keystore password.
--validator_start_index Non-negative integer The index position for the keys to start generating keystores in ERC-2334 format.
--validator_indices String of integer(s) A list of the chosen validator index number(s) as identified on the beacon chain. Split multiple items with whitespaces or commas.
--epoch Optional integer. 0 by default The epoch of when the exit transaction will be valid. The transaction will always be valid by default.
--output_folder String. Pointing to ./exit_transaction by default The folder path for the signed_exit_transaction-* JSON file
partial-deposit Arguments

You can use partial-deposit --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--chain String. mainnet by default The chain setting for the signing domain.
--keystore File The keystore file associating with the validator you wish to deposit to.
--keystore_password String The password that is used to encrypt the provided keystore. Note: It's not your mnemonic password.
--amount Float. 32 by default The amount you wish to deposit. Must be in ether, at least 1 ether, and can not have higher precision than 1 gwei.
--withdrawal_address String. Ethereum execution address in hexadecimal encoded form The withdrawal address of the existing validator or the desired withdrawal address.
--output_folder String. Pointing to ./partial_deposit by default The folder path for the deposit-* JSON file
test-keystore Arguments

You can use test-keystore --help to see all arguments. Note that if there are missing arguments that the CLI needs, it will ask you for them.

Argument Type Description
--keystore File The keystore file you wish to verify.
--keystore_password String The password used to attempt decryption of the provided keystore file. Note: It is not your mnemonic password.

Option 2. Build deposit-cli with native Python

Step 0. Python version checking

Ensure you are using Python version >= Python3.9:

python3 -V
Step 1. Installation

Install the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Or use the helper script:

./ install
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run one of the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

./ new-mnemonic


./ existing-mnemonic

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

./ new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
./ existing-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --validator_start_index=<START_INDEX> --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
Language Argument

See here for --language arguments.


See here


See here for new-mnemonic arguments
See here for existing-mnemonic arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-mnemonic arguments
See here for partial-deposit arguments
See here for test-keystore arguments

Successful message

See here

Option 3. Build deposit-cli with virtualenv

Step 0. Python version checking

Ensure you are using Python version >= Python3.9:

python3 -V
Step 1. Installation

Install venv if not already installed, e.g. for Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-venv

Create a new virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

and install the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run one of the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

python3 -m ethstaker_deposit new-mnemonic


python3 -m ethstaker_deposit existing-mnemonic

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

python3 -m ethstaker_deposit new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
python3 -m ethstaker_deposit existing-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --validator_start_index=<START_INDEX> --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
Language Argument

See here for --language arguments.


See here


See here for new-mnemonic arguments
See here for existing-mnemonic arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-mnemonic arguments
See here for partial-deposit arguments
See here for test-keystore arguments

Option 4. Use published docker image

Step 1. Pull the official docker image

Run the following command to pull the latest docker image published on the Github repository:

docker pull
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english

Example for 1 validator on the Holesky testnet using english:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --mnemonic_language=english --chain=holesky

Option 5. Use local docker image

Step 1. Build the docker image

Run the following command to locally build the docker image:

make build_docker
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english

Example for 1 validator on the Holesky testnet using english:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/validator_keys:/app/validator_keys eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --mnemonic_language=english --chain=holesky

See here

Successful message

See here

For Windows users

Option 1. Download binary executable file

Step 1. Installation

See releases page to download and decompress the corresponding binary files.

Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run one of the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

deposit.exe new-mnemonic


deposit.exe existing-mnemonic

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

deposit.exe new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
deposit.exe existing-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --validator_start_index=<START_INDEX> --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
Language Argument

See here for --language arguments.


See here


See here for new-mnemonic arguments
See here for existing-mnemonic arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-mnemonic arguments
See here for partial-deposit arguments
See here for test-keystore arguments

Option 2. Build deposit-cli with native Python

Step 0. Python version checking

Ensure you are using Python version >= Python12 (Assume that you've installed Python 3 as the main Python):

python -V
Step 1. Installation

Install the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Or use the helper script:

sh install
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run one of the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

./ new-mnemonic


./ existing-mnemonic

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

./ new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
./ existing-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --validator_start_index=<START_INDEX> --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
Language Argument

See here for --language arguments.


See here


See here for new-mnemonic arguments
See here for existing-mnemonic arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-mnemonic arguments
See here for partial-deposit arguments
See here for test-keystore arguments

Option 3. Build deposit-cli with virtualenv

Step 0. Python version checking

Ensure you are using Python version >= Python3.9 (Assume that you've installed Python 3 as the main Python):

python -V
Step 1. Installation

Create a new virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv

and install the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 2. Create keys and deposit_data-*.json

Run one of the following command to enter the interactive CLI:

python -m ethstaker_deposit new-mnemonic


python -m ethstaker_deposit existing-mnemonic

You can also run the tool with optional arguments:

python -m ethstaker_deposit new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
python -m ethstaker_deposit existing-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --validator_start_index=<START_INDEX> --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>
Language Argument

See here for --language arguments.


See here


See here for new-mnemonic arguments
See here for existing-mnemonic arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change arguments
See here for generate-bls-to-execution-change-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-keystore arguments
See here for exit-transaction-mnemonic arguments
See here for partial-deposit arguments
See here for test-keystore arguments


Install basic requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Install testing requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements_test.txt

Run tests

python3 -m pytest tests

Run the app

python3 -m ethstaker_deposit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

Use pre-commit

Install pre-commit if not already installed, e.g. for Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install pre-commit

Enable it for your git commit workflow:

pre-commit install

Building Binaries

Developers Only

ethstaker-deposit uses pyinstaller to create binaries. The requirements are in build_configs. Look at .github/workflows/build.yml to see it in action.

For example Linux, in your Python virtual environment:

export BUILD_FILE_NAME=ethstaker_deposit-cli-dev-linux
pip install -r ./build_configs/linux/requirements.txt
pyinstaller --distpath ./${BUILD_FILE_NAME} ./build_configs/linux/build.spec

Canonical Deposit Contract and Launchpad

Ethstaker confirms the canonical Ethereum staking deposit contract addresses and launchpad URLs. Please be sure that your ETH is deposited only to this deposit contract address, depending on chain.

Depositing to the wrong address will lose you your ETH.


No packages published


  • Python 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%