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YONGA-SERV Accelerator

License UPRJ_CI Caravel Build

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YONGA-SERV Accelerator includes the award-winning SERV RISC-V processor with a matrix multiplication accelerator.

Memory Map of YONGA-SERV Accelerator

Peripheral Base Address
SRAM 0x00000000
TIMER 0x80000000
GPIO 0x40000000
ACC 0xC0000000


There are 38 memory mapped IO ports.

Peripheral Base Address Size (bits)
GPIO_0 0x40000000 32
GPIO_1 0x40000004 6

GPIO_1 is connected to the lower 6 bits of the data bus. The top 26 bits will be discarded on write operation.


Timer is a 32-bit register. Current time can be read but can not be written. Any write operation to this address will update time_cmp register.

Peripheral Base Address Size (bits)
TIMER 0x80000000 32


Matrices are memory mapped like 2D C arrays. The first matrix, control register and the second matrix are write only. The third matrix, and register finished are read only.

Base Address Size (bits)
Control Register 0xC0000000 25
First Matrix 0xC0000400 32*64
Second Matrix 0xC0000800 32*64
Third Matrix 0xC0000C00 32*64
Register Finished 0xC0001000 1

Field Encoding of Control Register

1-bit 8-bit 8-bit 8-bit


Accelerator has to know the dimensions of the matrices before the operation. These dimensions are specified in the respective fields of the control register. When the start bit of the control register is set to HIGH, matrix multiplication starts and the register finished is set to LOW by the accelerator. The third matrix is ready to be read as soon as the register finished is set to HIGH by the accelerator. To restart the operation again the start bit must be set to LOW first and then set to HIGH.

A 1x1 matrix multiplication can be expressed in pseudo-code as follows:

* (*0xC0000400) = a          // set the first matrix
* (*0xC0000800) = b          // set the second matrix
* (*0xC0000000) = 0x01010101 // set start bit to 1, FMCS=SMCS=FMRS=1
* wait if (*0xC0001000) == 0 // wait until register finished is 1
* res = (*0xC0000C00)        // result is ready to use and its value equals a[] times b[]

An example code with higher dimensional matrices can be found in the sw directory.

Top-Level Diagram

alt text


ACC: Accelerator
FM: First Matrix
SM: Second Matrix
TM: Third Matrix
FMCS: First Matrix Column Size
FMRS: First Matrix Row Size
SMCS: Second Matrix Column Size
FSM: Finite State Machine
*_RW: Read Write
SW: Software
ASM: Assembly


export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>
export OPENLANE_ROOT=<openlane-installation-path>
export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
make install

Running Simulation

Subservient Blinky

  • This test is meant to verify that the SERV CPU functions correctly by toggling the first GPIO pin.

To run RTL simulation,

make verify-subservient_blinky

Subservient Test

  • This test is meant to verify that the matrix multiplication accelerator functions correctly.
    (This test requires at least 30GB of free space)

To run RTL simulation,

make verify-subservient_test

Subservient Alone

  • This is a quick test to verify the design without Caravel.

To run RTL simulation,

make verify-subservient_alone

Hardening the User Project Macro using OpenLANE

# Run openlane to harden subservient_wrapped
make subservient_wrapped
# Run openlane to harden user_project_wrapper
make user_project_wrapper

Checklist for Open-MPW Three Submission


List of Contributors

In alphabetical order:

  • Adem Golcuk
  • Berk Kisinbay
  • Burak Yakup Cakar
  • Emre Hakan Demirli
  • Muhammed Bahadir Turkoglu


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