MiniYak is an ERC-20 compliant token. The contract logic is immutable and includes no ability to mint tokens, burn tokens or otherwise change supply.
Name: Mini Yak
Symbol: mYAK
Decimals: 12
Address: 0xdDAaAD7366B455AfF8E7c82940C43CEB5829B604
Max Total supply: 10,000,000,000 mYAK(bound by Yak Token)
Mini Yak has two important methods, moon and unmoon, moon transform Yak Token into MiniYak at the same rate, but since MiniYak has less decimals, the amount of MiniYak you'll get is 6 orders of magnitude higher. Unmoon does the opposite, it takes MiniYak and gives the correct amount of Yak Token back. No loss in the process, the conversion is 1:1.
The token also exists in the Fuji network at 0xf8Af852F04077Aa372BCA5e844365ed7623b577f
The MiniYak Stable Farm is deployed using Gondola's implementation, details below:
TxID: 0xb8d6d37925fb96ec08330a9b79be6db26538efff03d9534beed645347fdb35c6
Swap: 0xd72Dc856868f964D37D01CeA7A7a3c1F4da4F98f
LPToken: 0x7f1e6A8730fEC77f27DAEECD82E1941518383a62
Smart contracts for the Yield Yak farms
To compile the project:
> npm install
> npx hardhat compile
To run the tests first you need to run a fork of the mainnet on a separated terminal:
> npx hardhat --network hardhat node
On a separated terminal you can then run the tests
> npx hardhat --network localhost test
All tests should be passing at all times.
To create new tests, refer to the ./test folder.