a gentoo repo
packaging software not in
offical repos
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, add the overlay and sync
the repository.
emerge -an app-eselect/eselect-repository
eselect repository enable moulay
emaint sync -r moulay
This overlay is available on GitLab and GitHub.
Issues can be reported on GitLab or on the Gentoo Bugzilla according to the instructions on the wiki.
- app-editors/bed
- app-editors/helix
- app-misc/tiramisu
- dev-libs/libexecinfo soon to be removed
- dev-python/pyliblo
- dev-tex/texlab
- dev-util/kak-lsp
- dev-util/rust-analyzer
- dev-util/zls
- gui-apps/nwg-launchers
- gui-apps/wev
- gui-apps/wlr-randr
- gui-apps/wlsunset
- gui-wm/cage
- media-fonts/montserrat
- media-sound/carla
- media-sound/catnip
- media-sound/catnip-gtk
- media-sound/myxer
- media-sound/volctl
- net-im/cchat-gtk
- net-im/fractal
- net-im/gotktrix
- sys-apps/drm_info
- sys-devel/cc-config
- x11-misc/blugon
- x11-misc/boox
- x11-misc/setroot