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RESTFULL Generic Lib

1- Getting started

  1. Getting the Package: you can easily get the package from maven central
    • Maven:
    • gradle:
     implementation 'dev.yafatek:yafatek-restcore:1.0.108'
    • kotlin DSL:

2- need more?

check out our repository:

  1. Usage:
    • simple Usage: by create a repository that extends the GenericRepo
     public interface DemoRepo extends GenericRepo<DemoEntity, UUID> {
       // CODE HERE
    • create repo object in RestController class
     private final CustomersRepo<Customer, UUID> customersRepo;
    • and autowire it in the constructor.
       public CustomerConsumer( CustomersRepo<Customer, UUID> customersRepo) {
          this.customersRepo = customersRepo;
    • to start using the api we need to create an object from: ApiService<> interface:
    private final ApiServices<Customer, UUID> customerService;
    • then pass the repositrory that we create to the initalization of the api in the constructor
     public CustomerConsumer( CustomersRepo<Customer, UUID> customersRepo) {
          this.customersRepo = customersRepo;
          this.customerService = new ApiServicesWrapper<Customer, UUID>(customersRepo) {};

3- Full Demo:

  • full demo of the api can be found at the following Code
package dev.yafatek.restcore.unittest.v1;

import ApiUtils;
import dev.yafatek.restcore.domain.DemoEntity;
import dev.yafatek.restcore.domain.DemoRepo;
import dev.yafatek.restcore.wrappers.ApiServicesWrapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.UUID;

public class DemoController {
    protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoController.class);
    protected final DemoRepo<DemoEntity, UUID> demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo;
    protected ApiServices<DemoEntity, UUID> apiServices;

    public DemoController(DemoRepo<DemoEntity, UUID> demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo) {
        this.apiServices = new ApiServicesWrapper<>(demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo) {
        this.demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo = demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo;

    public Object get() {" [*] debugging: apiService: {}", apiServices);" [*] debugging: demo Repo: {}", demoEntityUUIDDemoRepo);
        // save dummy Data.

        return apiServices


    @GetMapping(value = "/query")
    public Object getOne(@RequestParam("target") String uuid) {
        return apiServices.getById(UUID.fromString(uuid));

    @GetMapping(value = "/by-date")
    public Object byDate(@RequestParam("offset") String after) {
        return apiServices.getAllAfter(ApiUtils.stringToInstant(after));

    public Object update(@RequestBody DummyUpdate dummy) {
        DemoEntity demoEntity = new DemoEntity(dummy.getDescription(), dummy.getAttribute());
        return apiServices.updateById(demoEntity, UUID.fromString(dummy.getId()));

    @DeleteMapping(value = "/secure/delete")
    public Object deleteOne(@RequestParam("target") String target) {
        return apiServices.deleteById(UUID.fromString(target));

    @DeleteMapping(value = "/secure/bulk-delete")
    public Object bulkDelete() {
        return apiServices.bulkDelete();

    public Object post(@RequestBody Dummy dummy) {" [.] Saving Dummy Data: {}", dummy);
        // UUID id, Instant created, String description, String attribute
        return apiServices.saveEntity(new DemoEntity(UUID.randomUUID(),, dummy.getDescription(), dummy.getAttribute()));

    static class DummyUpdate {
        protected String id;
        protected String description;
        protected String attribute;

        public DummyUpdate() {

        public String getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(String id) {
   = id;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public void setDescription(String description) {
            this.description = description;

        public String getAttribute() {
            return attribute;

        public void setAttribute(String attribute) {
            this.attribute = attribute;

    static class Dummy {
        protected String description;
        protected String attribute;

        public Dummy() {

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public void setDescription(String description) {
            this.description = description;

        public String getAttribute() {
            return attribute;

        public void setAttribute(String attribute) {
            this.attribute = attribute;

        public String toString() {
            return "Dummy{" +
                    "description='" + description + '\'' +
                    ", attribute='" + attribute + '\'' +