Main Ingredients in ectf.
- getting lambda -> getting inverse of X2 - X1
- getting Xs into Xs = lamba^2 - X1 - X2
ECTF Setting: P1 = X1, Y1 in EC SECP256K1 P2 = X2, Y2 in EC SECP256K1
P1 + P2 = (Xs, Ys), where + is group operation.
Output: Alpha, Beta, where Alpha + Beta = Xs
Xs = lamba^2 - X1 - X2
lamba = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)
- GET inverse of X2-X1 */
Alpha1 , Alpha2 = MTA((-X1, R1), (R2,X2)) Where R1 and R2 are points on the EC
- Alpha1 + Alpha2 = -X1R2 + X2R1
Gamma = (X2-X1)(R1+R2)
Etta1 = R1GammaInverse Etta2 = R2GammaInverse
- Etta1 + Etta2 = (X2-X1)inverse
now, Beta1, Beta2 = MTA((-Y1, Etta1), (Etta2, Y2))
- Beta1 + Beta2 = -Y1Etta2 + Y2Etta1
now, Lamba1 = -Y2Etta1 + Beta1 Lamba2 = Y2Etta2 + Beta2
- Lamba = Lamba1 + Labda2
now, use Lambda which is calculated. Xs = Lamba^2 - X1 - X2
- Gamma1, Gamma2 = mta(Lambda1, Lambda2) Gamma1 + Gamm2 = Lamba1*Lambda2
now, S1 = 2Gamma1 + Lambda1^2 - x1 S2 = 2Gamma2 + Lambda2^2 - x2 S = S1 + S2
- S = Xs = Lambda^2 - X1 - X2
The maths checkout and we have the all the mathmetical checks passing, but the final assertition of Xs = P1 + P2 ( points in EC ) fails most probably due to incorrect parsing of BigInts. Will be verified by once when we get the rustls handshake using ECtF.
Run using cargo run
[src/] &x1 = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
[src/] &x2 = 3988119826175064013631855803455705518302985509344127528333651663328583923605
MTA2 Test Satisfied
CHECK 1: Alpha1 + Alpha2 = -X1R2 + X2R1: PASSED
CHECK 1.5: Delta = (X2-X1) * (Rho1 + Rho2): PASSED
CHECK 2: Etta1 + Etta2 = (X2-X1)inverse: PASSED
MTA2 Test Satisfied
CHECK 3: Beta1 + Beta2 = -Y1*Etta2 + Y2*Etta1: PASSED
CHECK 4: Lamba = Lamba1 + Labda2 = (Y2 - Y1) * ((X2-X1)inverse): PASSED
MTA Test MTA1 passed
CHECK5: Gamma1 + Gamm2 = Lamba1*Lambda2 : PASSED
[src/] &s_sum = 18376196608179464767815969703426572283892154837428299167818235470482919118579
[src/] &xs_point = 18376196608179464767815969703426572283892154837428299167818235470482919118579
[src/] &another_s = 18376196608179464767815969703426572283892154837428299167818235470482919118579
CHECK 6: S = Xs = Lambda^2 - X1 - X2 : PASSED
[src/] &x1 = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
[src/] &x2 = 3988119826175064013631855803455705518302985509344127528333651663328583923605
[src/] &x1 + &x2 = 59054382848452407683210574698624239844553588963121721703833839023717700652845
[src/] &x1_x2 = 59054382848452407683210574698624239844553588963121721703833839023717700652845
[src/] &s_sum = 18376196608179464767815969703426572283892154837428299167818235470482919118579
thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
left: `18376196608179464767815969703426572283892154837428299167818235470482919118579`,
right: `59054382848452407683210574698624239844553588963121721703833839023717700652845`: ECTF Final Assertion Failed', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
If you encounter linker cc errors on any platform, please run this:
export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:$(brew --prefix)/lib"