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T-Shirt Pop Up

T-Shirt Pop Up is a jquery popup plugins made specially with Naked CSS. It's light and responsive.

Available Configuration

  1. closeButton: true/false, display or hide close button
  2. closeOutside: true/false, make the shade area close the popup on click
  3. className: "popupContent", class name for outer wrapper of content div
  4. animation: "bounceIn", see animate.css for available animation class
  5. type: "inline", type of content, right now it's only inline
  6. width: "auto", set the width based of number, px or %
  7. height: "auto", set the height based of number, px or %
  8. url: "". Define the url to use.
  9. id: "popupOverflow", Id for the popup
  10. disableTouchScroll: true/false, Disable scrolling in touch device
  11. iconPrefix: "xn", font-awesome icon prefix
  12. target: "", set selector name for target content both external link or internal element
  13. onClick: function () {}, a callback that fired after popup trigger element clicked (almost like on enter)
  14. onClose: function () {}, a callback that fired after the popup window being closed
  15. afterLoad: function () {}, a callback that fired after all the necessary element loaded (if ajax) and randered

How to use it

	className: "detailPopup",
	closeButton: false

Available Method

Close the popup



  1. Load url inside iframe
  2. Load youtube or vimeo video
  3. Gallery functionality
  4. Width becomes auto when the window size is smaller than defined width