Script for a nice bar to run through Dzen2 or Lemonbar it shows: uptime, cpu usage, memory and swap usage, wifi info, network traffic, volume info, current keyboard layout (you have to install xkblayout-state first), music info using Playerctl and a clock.
Preferred to run with a small Monospace font (to avoid a lot of resizing).
here's my current dzen2 config for it:
(bash ~/.config/scripts/ | dzen2 -dock -ta l -fg '#ffffff' -e
'onstart=uncollapse;key_Escape=ungrabkeys,exit' -fn
'-*-mono-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' )&
or you could use it with Lemonbar:
bash ~/.config/scripts/ | lemonbar