A GitHub Action that supports docker-compose and Docker Swarm deployments. Documentaion Page.
Below is a brief example on how the action can be used:
- name: Deploy to Docker swarm
uses: wshihadeh/docker-deployment-action@v1
remote_docker_host: [email protected]
ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
ssh_public_key: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY }}
deployment_mode: docker-swarm
copy_stack_file: true
deploy_path: /root/my-deployment
stack_file_name: docker-compose.yaml
keep_files: 5
args: my_applicaion
Below are all of the supported inputs. Some inputs are considered sensitive information and it should be stored as secrets.
Arguments to pass to the deployment command either docker
or docker-compose
. The actions will automatically generate the follwing commands for each of the cases.
docker stack deploy --compose-file $FILE --log-level debug --host $HOST
docker-compose -f $INPUT_STACK_FILE_NAME
Specify Remote Docker host. The input value must be in the follwing format (user@host)
Specify Remote Docker ssh port if its not 22 default ie (2222)
Remote Docker SSH public key.
Do not give the content of id_rsa.pub
The content of ~/.ssh/known_hosts
needs to be given here. You can get it by connecting to host once using your own machine. Example: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNCN5F3TLxUllpSRx8y+9C2uh+lWZDFmAsFMjcz2Zgq4d5F+oGicGaRk=
SSH private key used to connect to the docker host
SSH key must be in PEM format (begins with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----), or you can randomly get Load key "/HOME/.ssh/id_rsa": invalid format error.
Convert it from OPENSSH (key begins with -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----) format using ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Deployment mode either docker-swarm or docker-compose. Default is docker-compose.
Copy stack file to remote server and deploy from the server. Default is false.
The path where the stack files will be copied to. Default ~/docker-deployment.
Docker stack file used. Default is docker-compose.yaml
Number of the files to be kept on the server. Default is 3.
A boolean input to trigger docker prune command.
The args for the pre deploument command. Applicable only for docker-compose.
Pull docker images before deploying. Applicable only for docker-compose.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.