Template repository for a World ID On-Chain Integration.
Create a staging on-chain app in the Worldcoin Developer Portal.
Ensure you have installed Foundry, NodeJS, and pnpm.
Start a local node forked from Optimism Sepolia, replacing $YOUR_API_KEY
with your Alchemy API key:
# leave this running in the background
anvil -f https://opt-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/$YOUR_API_KEY
In another shell, deploy the contract, replacing $WORLD_ID_ROUTER
with the World ID Router address for your selected chain, $NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID
with the app ID as configured in the Worldcoin Developer Portal, and $NEXT_PUBLIC_ACTION
with the action ID as configured in the Worldcoin Developer Portal:
cd contracts
forge create --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 src/Contract.sol:Contract --constructor-args $WORLD_ID_ROUTER $NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID $NEXT_PUBLIC_ACTION
Note the Deployed to:
address from the output.
In a new shell, install project dependencies:
pnpm i
Set up your environment variables in the .env
file. You will need to set the following variables:
: The app ID as configured in the Worldcoin Developer Portal.NEXT_PUBLIC_ACTION
: The action ID as configured in the Worldcoin Developer Portal.NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID
: The address of the contract deployed in the previous step.
Start the development server:
pnpm dev
The Contract ABI will be automatically re-generated and saved to src/abi/ContractAbi.json
on each run of pnpm dev
After making changes to the contract, you should:
- re-run the
forge create
command from above - replace the
environment variable with the new contract address - if your contract ABI has changed, restart the local web server
You'll need to import the private keys on the local testnet into your wallet used for local development. The default development seed phrase is test test test test test test test test test test test junk
This is only for local development. Do not use this seed phrase on mainnet or any public testnet.
When connecting your wallet to the local development environment, you will be prompted to add the network to your wallet.
Use the Worldcoin Simulator in place of World App to scan the IDKit QR codes and generate the zero-knowledge proofs.