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General information

babelLib is header file library, which have a lot of different function like algorithm/math etc.

babelLib is on Open-source license

How to include

To include this library to your project, only what you need to do to copy:

babel.hpp babLib to your project and put #include "babel.hpp" in your program.

How to use

All babel function/namespaces are in namespace babel

List of namespaces babel:::

  • VERSION - Actual version of babelLib
  • CONCEPTS - All concepts I use in this library.
  • ALGO -
    • CRYPT encryption SHA256, SHA1, SHA224
    • STRING string operation like: str_to_upper/lower
    • VECTOR Container operator like: sum, normalize, mean
    • MATH Math function like: FFT, distance, constant value (e, pi)
    • CAST Function like: string_to, asType
  • TIME - Function or class to measure time like: timer, measure_time
  • ANY - Class PolAny and VoidAny. They are very similar to std::any.
  • CHAR - Class ASCII_CHAR it jus wrapped char with function like: is_alphabetical, is_lower etc.
  • CONTAINER - My implementation of std::list and std::vector, I don't use them, because std container are better.
  • FILE_SYS - Function to operate on files like: scan_folder, load_txt etc.
  • GRAPHICS - Two class RGB and CMYK and convert between them. A very early version of these functions.
  • MATH - Mathematical function like: factorial, distance, lcm etc. (Now MATH is in namespace ALGO)
  • MATRIX - VERY underdeveloped matrix operations.
  • OPT - My implementation of std::optional
  • REQ - It is a std::queue of lambda functions, which are queued and called when you want to do it.
  • TEXT - Class to improvement searching in big std::string, but it takes a lot more memory.
  • VARIADIC - My implementation of std::variant.
  • WINDOWS - Available only in Windows, simple windows function (like resolution of screen, search available discs)
  • WRAPER - Class wrap, nothing special just wrap data T
  • SYSTEM - Simple system function like number of threads etc.
  • ITERATOR - Iterator like enumerate, range


Every (almost) function have description, and some example of use. alt text

I'm working on put this description in one documents file.


C++ Header file library






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