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Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod

CoreyLee Hassell edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 7 revisions

About this guide

When you follow Part 1: Troubleshooting GMod, we can almost guarantee that your Wiremod works as intended. Go through the steps with care and your problems will be fixed as fast as possible.

If the guide doesn't fix your problems, it's essential that you provide all the information asked for in Part 2: How to help us help you. With the information, we can verify that you are not a pirate and give us the tools to help you.

Part 1: Troubleshooting GMod

IMPORTANT: Test in single player, as a server's copy of Wiremod will override yours (meaning if the server's copy is messed up, yours will appear bugged too).

  • Are you a pirate? If you are, don't ask for help, don't pass go, don't collect 200. Once you are found to be a pirate, we will refuse to help you, and, if possible, you will be permabanned on the spot, so just don't bother.
  • Are you looking at the WIRE tab in the upper right of the Q menu?
  • Make sure your Wiremod is fully updated.
  • Delete the garrysmod/cache folder. The whole thing. See if the problem still occurs.
  • Try verifying your GMod. Do this by right-clicking Garry's Mod in Steam, click Properties, go to "Local Files" tab, then click "verify integrity of game cache." Now see if you have the problem.

We only support one configuration: GMod sandbox, with only Wiremod installed. Wiremod often works fine with with most mods, but for troubleshooting and support purposes, we don't want to end up wasting time trying to solve a problem with Wiremod if it was actually an addon conflict.

If you figure out that it's a mod conflict, feel free to let us know, but we need exact reproducibility steps. If it's wire, we'll fix it. But, if the other mod is causing problems, such as with unclean code, there's nothing we can do about that.

Part 2: How to help us help you

This is the most important part of this guide!

You need to follow it so we can try and reproduce the problem. Ignoring it is not optional.

We have more experience and a greater toolset to trace the problem, but we need to replicate your environment as well as your issue, in order to properly track the issue.

1. Tell us exactly what the problem is.

  • What is the error?
  • When exactly do the problems occur?
  • Does it happen in singleplayer and/or multiplayer?

2. A condump. Only telling us the error does not help us enough! First, start a single player game and go through the steps needed to reproduce your problem. Afterwards, type "wire_PrintVersion" in your console. Then, type "condump" in your console, and upload latest condump file. It is situated in your garrysmod folder (the one where addons, data, bin, screenshot folders are), and called condump****.txt, where "****" - is some number generated by the game. Upload that somewhere, like pastebin, and link it in your post.

3. A screen shot of your Q menu. To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" key. Then go to MS Paint or another art program, and go to Edit > Paste. The canvas should now have the contents of your screen when you pressed the Print Screen key. Save the image and upload it to an image service (such as imgur), and copy+paste the link they give you.

4. Proper English. If you make a giant post without any periods or commas, misspelled words, etc., many people won't even take the time to read your post. Organize your information and place it in the post in a neat and informative way.

###Common Issues

Wire errors when loading a saved game

Wiremod isn't compatible with saved games. Use the advanced duplicator tool instead.

Wiremod Doesn't Load on Mac

This is an issue with Garry's Mod. We can't do anything about it. Don't post here, bother Garry to fix addon loading on Mac.

Hologram Checksum Error fix

If holograms aren't working, or you are getting an error like this:

"Error Vertex File for 'Holograms\cube.mdl' checksum , should be "

Try deleting the garrysmod/garrysmod/models/Holograms folder.