The itunes-last-export
tool allows you import playcounts from to update your iTunes database. It also update in the same time the last played date.
This tool is only working on Mac and doesn't work also on Windows.
Install itunes-last-export
from the pypi repository:
$ sudo pip3 install itunes-last-export
Start the application using the command:
$ itunes-last-export
The graphical interface shall start, you can then use it.
For information all the cache data is sotred in the .config/itunes_last_export folder of the user.
If you want to use an unofficial version of the itunes-last-export
application, you need to work from a
clone of this git
clone from github
$ git clone
go in the cloned directory
$ cd itunes-last-export
in editable mode$ pip3 install -e . --user
start the application exactly in the same way as installed from pypi. All modifications performed in the cloned repository are taken into account when the application starts.
Feel free to give me any feedback on this github page: