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christianromney edited this page Nov 12, 2014 · 1 revision


  1. Open Dr. Racket
  2. Select the menu item File, Install Package…
  3. Enter the following URL in the Package Source textbox: github://
  4. Click Install, wait util the installation completes (only a few moments), then click Close to dismiss the dialog
  5. Enjoy learning miniKanren!

Try loading this into your Dr. Racket definitions window:

    #lang racket
    (require Racket-miniKanren/miniKanren/mk)
    (run* (q)
          (== q 'yay))


  1. Clone the following bare-bones project uncourse
  2. cd into the uncourse folder
  3. lein run

If you see (yay) printed out, you're good to go. Just follow along in src/uncourse/core.clj.


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