A Clojure Wrapper to MEO WALLET API.
is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars
With Leiningen/Boot:
[weareswat/clj-meowallet "0.6.0"]
For now we just have to create new mb ref operation, but in the near future we will support more operations. Every operation has an async interface, so it returns a channel.
POST to /api/v2/mb/pay
(ns my-app.core
(:require [clj-meowallet.core :as meowallet]))
(defn example-of-request-an-mb-ref
(let [credentials {:meo-wallet-api-key <YOUR_MEO_WALLET_API_KEY>}
data {:amount 10
:currency "EUR"
:expired_at "2016-05-18T15:59:58+0000"
:ext_invoiceid "i00001232"}}]
(meowallet/generate-mb-ref credentials data)))
The meowallet/generate-mb-ref
should return data in the following format:
{:amount 10
:fee -0.62
:date 2016-05-17T15:36:25+0000
:method MB
:amount_net 9.38
:requests 1
:channel WEBSITE
:mb {:ref 243323013
:entity 90426}
:expires 2016-05-18T15:59:58+0000
:currency EUR
:refundable false
:ext_invoiceid i00001232
:status PENDING
:id 33de099a-49f1-42a7-913f-761f2e83b673
:items []
:merchant {:id 688892900
lein test
- runs the test suite * -
-listen for file changes and is always running tests -
To Run the integration test you should provide a valid Meo Wallet API KEY with access to mb references api.
Copyright © 2016 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.