Finding favourite songs among massive song datasets has become a difficult problem. Although popular music providers like Spotify and Apple Music attempted to create sophisticated autoplay algorithms, they do not provide the model variables to the users. We believe we are entitled to a minimal version of feature selection which reduces reliance on automated algorithms that often do not seem to output the best results. Hence why we rewind our playlists more regularly than enabling autoplay. As individual developers, we strongly believe in open-sourcing models that track user behaviour as a cooperative way of Software development that benefits all users.
We decided to tackle this problem by creating our model and providing a console containing 15 song features to edit. We created a database starting with an open-sourced dataset from zenodo, and we populated it with millions of songs' features from the Spotify API. The application will welcome the user with a homepage that will prompt for user login. Upon providing credentials, the user is forwarded to the main console containing 15 variables to edit. The algorithm will automatically analyze the selected playlist and initialize the model variables. The variables are selected upon clicking on the checkmark if the user wishes. The generate button will create a playlist of the recommended tracks that can be played from the application.
Additionally, we provide the user with one of two options:
- use the small dataset (4000 songs) for testing purposes
- use the large dataset (up to 15 million songs) for a general use-case
We also created a Grafana dashboard that provides analytics on our dataset, as well as tracks system usage using Prometheus.
We built SpotAI as a responsive web application enabling as many model variables as we can. The front end is made with React, vite, and tailwind CSS. We implemented Spotify's iframe to display playlists and play songs, and Spotify's authentication protocols to safely provide login credentials. The server side is built with Python's flask, and we used MySQL for a backend database. To test our API, we used swagger (flasgger on Python).
We also worked with Grafana and Prometheus to offer visualization using their proprietary UI.
When dealing with the large 36Gbs dataset, we suffered from long-running queries. The proposed solutions for the future are either optimizing our model by introducing indexes and caching solutions or dropping MySQL in favour of hiveQL that scales horizontally and runs on a parallel distributed environment like Spark.
We also struggled to host SpotAI on a GCP micro server instance. We were able to expose the application URL to
the outside world, but it was not establishing a MySQL connection (from within the instance).
Finally, deploying the application on the cloud was painful without using a dockerized solution (docker-compose).
We intended to build an application that we can use EVERYDAY. I am proud that we achieved something that major music providers did not. We provided more freedom to the user without compromising their experience.
We got to experience deploying an application on GCP for the first time. It was also our first time working with Grafana and Prometheus thanks to DRW's workshop.
As a team, we decided to continue working on improving SpotAI and implementing solutions to the challenges we faced. We are also making it a priority to fix our GCP deployment and make SpotAI accessible to everyone through a trusted domain.
2 choices are offered to user:
SpotAI has access to the small dataset (few MBs); the sql sump script is provided: init.sql
SpotAI has access to the large dataset (35GBs); download the open-sourced data sql dump from here, and run the following commands to populate the database (this requires spotify dev id and token) and takes few hours:
Use the 35Gbs database for dev only
Conda is mandatory due to compatibility issues of some dependencies (i.e. flask-mysqldb and pymysql-pool outside of conda do not run on arm-osx).
To create conda environment from ENV.yml
conda env create -n <ENVNAME> --file ENV.yml
To activate conda environment:
conda create --name <ENVNAME>
To create/update ENV.yml
conda env export > ENV.yml
If virtualenv is not installed, run
pip install virtualenv
to create your new environment
virtualenv venv
to activate venv
source venv-name/bin/activate
to install the requirements in the current environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
create .env file and place in the venv folder
Open a mysql console
mysql -u username -p
and run
CREATE SCHEMA database_name
exit the mysql console, and run
mysql -u username -p database_name < init.sql
To start the Flask application, run
To test the api using swagger, go to
To change to the client directory
cd react-flask-sqlite/client/
then create node_modules
npm install
and start the SpotAI application
npm run dev