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Are you tired of writing database transactions for every controller method?

This package solves the problem with middleware.

Middleware begins database transaction and depending response (and config also) commits/rollbacks it.



Add the package in your composer.json by executing the command.

composer require waska14/laravel-with-db-transactions

For Laravel versions before 5.5 or if not using auto-discovery, register the service provider in config/app.php

'providers' => [
     * Package Service Providers...


If you want to change default configuration, you must publish default configuration file to your project by running this command in console:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=waska-with-db-transactions-config

This command will copy file [/vendor/waska14/laravel-with-db-transactions/config/waska.with_db_transactions.php] to [/config/waska.with_db_transactions.php]

Default waska.with_db_transactions.php looks like:

return [
     * Route names that will be processed without transaction by WithDBTransactions middleware
    'ignore_route_names' => [
        // login

     * Request methods that will be processed without transaction by WithDBTransactions middleware
    'ignore_request_methods' => [

     * Maximum attempts for transaction by default.
     * Note: You can ignore route name, than use middleware with_db_transactions:N where N is the number of attempts.
    'maximum_attempts' => 1,

     * If response's http status code is any of those, the transaction will be committed.
     * Note:
    'commit_http_statuses' => [
        200, // OK
        201, // Created
        202, // Accepted
        203, // Non-Authoritative Information
        204, // No Content
        205, // Reset Content
        206, // Partial Content
        207, // Multi-Status (WebDAV)
        208, // Already Reported (WebDAV)
        226, // IM Used

        300, // Multiple Choices
        301, // Moved Permanently
        302, // Found (Previously "Moved temporarily")
        303, // See Other (since HTTP/1.1)
        304, // Not Modified (RFC 7232)
        305, // Use Proxy (since HTTP/1.1)
        306, // Switch Proxy
        307, // Temporary Redirect (since HTTP/1.1)
        308, // Permanent Redirect (RFC 7538)

     * Middleware default class.
     * Anytime you can extend/override the class and change namespace of middleware_class
    'middleware_class' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Http\Middleware\WithDBTransactions::class,

     * Default alias for middleware
    'middleware_alias' => 'with_db_transactions',

     * List of middleware groups, where will be pushed with_db_transactions middleware by default (from ServiceProvider)
    'middleware_groups' => [
//        'api',
//        'web',

     * Maximum attempts for middleware_groups
     * Note: if value is null, default maximum_attempts will be used.
    'maximum_attempts_for_groups' => null,

     * Before and after action events
    'before_begin_transaction_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeBeginTransactionEvent::class,
    'after_begin_transaction_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterBeginTransactionEvent::class,
    'before_commit_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeCommitEvent::class,
    'after_commit_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterCommitEvent::class,
    'before_rollback_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeRollbackEvent::class,
    'after_rollback_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterRollbackEvent::class,
    'before_every_rollback_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeEveryRollbackEvent::class,
    'after_every_rollback_event' => \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterEveryRollbackEvent::class,

You can manage route middleware globally (automatically) from config:

Key Value(s) Comment
middleware_groups Keys of protected $middlewareGroups from app/Http/Kernel.php. Every route having the group middleware will be processed with database transaction.
ignore_request_methods HTTP request methods names (GET/HEAD) Those methods won'be processed with database transaction.
ignore_route_names route names Those methods also won't be processed with database transaction.
commit_http_statuses HTTP status codes If transaction has begun and the response has any of those statuses, the transaction will be committed.
maximum_attempts integer Maybe if deadlocks occurs or something else

If you want manually management, you can use middleware_alias (or change it, also) as route middleware.

Manual usage

If you define middleware_groups as an empty array in config, none of the routes will be processed with database transactions by default, until you set manually the middleware for the specific routes/route groups.

Note that you can fill middleware_groups and also use middleware manually anywhere you want the method to be processed with database transaction.

Default middleware alias is with_db_transactions which can be changed in config, also.

Note that all configuration (ignore_route_names, ignore_request_methods, maximum_attempts, commit_http_statuses etc.) will also work when using this package manually.

Actions and Events

After version 2.0.0 you can define closures that will be executed before/after commit/rollback(s).

There are 6 static functions that you can call with Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Helpers\WithDBTransactions class:

WithDBTransactions::beforeCommit(callable $closure); // Before committing database transaction
WithDBTransactions::afterCommit(callable $closure); // After committing database transaction
WithDBTransactions::beforeRollback(callable $closure); // Before last rollback
WithDBTransactions::afterRollback(callable $closure); // After last rollback
WithDBTransactions::beforeEveryRollback(callable $closure); // Before every (except last) rollback
WithDBTransactions::afterEveryRollback(callable $closure); // After every (except last) rollback


WithDBTransactions::beforeCommit(function () {
    \Log::info('First log and then commit!');
WithDBTransactions::afterCommit(function () {
    \Log::info('First commit and then log!');

Note that each function can be called as many times as you want. All closures will be executed with the same sequence. E.x:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Helpers\WithDBTransactions;

class Controller extends BaseController
    public function create(Request $request)
        // your stuff
        WithDBTransactions::beforeRollback(function () {
            \Log::info('log1 before rollback!');
        WithDBTransactions::afterRollback(function () {
            \Log::info('log1 after rollback!');
        WithDBTransactions::afterRollback(function () {
            \Log::info('log2 after rollback!');
        // your stuff

        // Some error happened, so middleware rollbacks the transaction
        throw new \Exception('Something went wrong');

After rollback storage/logs/laravel.log looks like:

[Y-m-d H:i:s] local.INFO: log1 before rollback
[Y-m-d H:i:s] local.INFO: log1 after rollback
[Y-m-d H:i:s] local.INFO: log2 after rollback

After version 2.0.0 package dispatches events also.

You can listen them and do whatever you want in listener.

List of events:

  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeBeginTransactionEvent Before begin transaction
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterBeginTransactionEvent After begin transaction
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeCommitEvent Before commit
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterCommitEvent After commit
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeRollbackEvent Before latest rollback
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterRollbackEvent After latest rollback
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\BeforeEveryRollbackEvent Before every rollback
  • \Waska\LaravelWithDBTransactions\Events\AfterEveryRollbackEvent After every rollback


Process controller methods with database transactions






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