A work in progress game engine for web games written in typescript to give you all freedom of the typescript langugage.
A small rpg example with tile maps and orthogonal camera:
- asset loading (currently images and sprites)
- sprite images incl. converter for sprite to sub images
- split shared/entity into client/entity and server/entity
- entity animations (currently a basic form)
- add camera and the abillity to follow the player
- single layer tilemap import and rendering
- multilayer tilemap import and rendering
- add world scale (can be done by scaling the camera)
- controls
- collision detection incl. tilemaps
- physics
- animation states should have possible random values as callback function
- cluster rendering should store all rendered layers as tmp cluster image to improve the rendering speed
- when a camera scale is very low and the world map fits entierly on the screen, the camera does not work correctly.