VRE user environment images for workflows and notebooks available in the VRE JupyterHub service.
If you want to extend or modify any image, find below some suggestions:
We strongly recommend that every user enviroment image uses the latests vre-singleuser-py311
image as a base layer (the FROM
command in the Dockerfile
- see below).
- Check the latest version of the
image here. - To custimize an image please have a look to the Startup Docker Stack documentation Hooks.
- Create one folder per environments. The directory would need to contain a valid
. Once your PR is merged, the CI will detect the changes in the repository and will trigger the building of the image. - Add a
file describing the environment and its usage. - We strongly recommend to add the following lines to any new user environment (thus in a
), so that the image would labelled with the building date.
# Beginning of the suggested Dockerfile
FROM ghcr.io/vre-hub/vre-singleuser-py311:sha-5106e39
LABEL maintainer=<your_name>
LABEL org.label-schema.build-date=$BUILD_DATE