A puppet module for the Bacula backup system.
- OpenBSD
- FreeBSD
- Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, Centos, Fedora, SLES)
This module requires that exported resources have been setup (e.g. with PuppetDB). Including manifests on the Bacula client, assumes that it can export bits of data to the director to end up with fully functional configs. As such, to get the benefits of using this module, you should be using it on at least the director and client, and most likely the storage, though this might be gotten around, if one were so inclined.
To understand Bacula, the Component Overview in the Bacula documentation is a useful start to begin understanding the moving parts.
What follows here is the bare minimum you would need to get a fully functional Bacula environment with Puppet. This setup assumes that the three components of Bacula (Director, Storage, and Client) all run on three separate nodes. If desired, there is no reason this setup can not be built on a single node, just updating the hostnames used below to all point to the same system.
Bacula's functionality depends on connecting several components, together. Due to the number of moving pieces in this module, you will likely want to set some site defaults, and tune more specifically where desired.
As such, it is reasonable to use the following declaration in a profile used by all your nodes:
class bacula {
storage_name => 'mystorage.example.com',
director_name => 'mydirector.example.com',
When using the default settings from this module, some resources get provisioned. The provisioning of these default resources can be disabled with the manage_defaults
class { 'bacula::director':
manage_defaults => false,
This may be on the same host, or different hosts, but the name you put here
should be the fqdn of the target system. The Director will require the
classification of bacula::director
, and the Storage node will require the
classification of bacula::storage
. All nodes will require classification
of bacula::client
, and all nodes will require the shared config by being classified bacula
A common way of using the module in a simple setup is using a single node that act as a director and storage daemon for all other nodes of the fleet. In such a scenario, you can create two profiles: profile::bacula_client
and profile::bacula_server
class profile::bacula_client (
Sensitive $password,
) {
class { 'bacula':
storage_name => 'bacula.example.com',
director_name => 'bacula.example.com',
# Other common settings, see below
class { 'bacula::client':
password => $password,
# File daemon specific settings, see below
class profile::bacula_server (
) {
include profile::bacula_client
class { 'bacula::director':
password => 'director-password',
# Director specific settings, see below
class { 'bacula::storage':
password => 'storage-password',
# File storage specific settings, see below
Users of a previous version of this module should refer to the wiki for upgrading instructions.
Refer to the TLS Setup page on the wiki for instructions about configuring communication encryption.
The director component handles coordination of backups and databasing of transactions. In its simplest form, the director can be configured with a simple declaration:
class { 'bacula::director':
storage => 'mystorage.example.com',
The storage
parameter here defines which storage server should be used for
all default jobs. If left empty, it will default to the $facts['fqdn']
of the
director. This is not a problem for all in one installations, but in scenarios
where directors to not have the necessary storage devices attached, default
jobs can be pointed elsewhere.
Note that if you expect an SD to be located on the Director, you will also need
to include the bacula::storage
class as follows.
By default a 'Common' fileset is created.
The storage component allocates disk storage for pools that can be used for holding backup data.
class { 'bacula::storage':
director => 'mydirector.example.com',
You will also want a storage pool that defines the retention. You can define this in the Director catalog without exporting it, or you can use an exported resource.
bacula::director::pool { 'Corp':
volret => '14 days',
maxvolbytes => '5g',
maxvols => '200',
label => 'Corp-',
storage => 'mystorage.example.com',
The client component is run on each system that needs something backed up.
class { 'bacula::client':
director => 'mydirector.example.com',
To direct all jobs to a specific pool like the one defined above set the following data.
class { 'bacula::client':
default_pool => 'Corp',
Refer to the PKI Setup section of the wiki to configure data encryption on clients.
In order for clients to be able to define jobs on the director, exported
resources are used, thus there was a reliance on PuppetDB availability in the
environment. In the client manifest the bacula::job
exports a job definition
to the director. If you deploy multiple directors that use the same PuppetDB
and you don't want each director to collect every job, specify a job_tag to
group them.
bacula::job { 'obsidian_logs':
files => ['/var/log'],
This resource will create a new Job
entry in /etc/bacula/conf.d/job.conf
the next time the director applies it's catalog that will instruct the system
to backup the files or directories at the paths specified in the files
If a group of jobs will contain the same files, a FileSet resource can be
used to simplify the bacula::job
resource. This can be exported from the
node (ensuring the resource title will be unique when realized) or a simple
resource specified on the director using the bacula::director::fileset
defined type as follows:
bacula::director::fileset { 'Puppet':
files => ['/etc/puppet'],
options => {'compression' => 'LZO' }
If you set a job_tag on your bacula::job
, make sure to also set the tag of
the bacula::director::fileset
to the same value.