This enables you to switch buffers based on a buffer history scoped to the window split / pane, like VScode and Evil Emacs, instead of a global buffer list.
This is a replacement for your current keymaps that you use to switch or kill buffers. And complements all the other vim like movement like cursor, definition jumps. 👌
- 🏎️ Buffers scoped to the window for faster, more reliable and muscle memory friendly switching.
- 🚀 Switch to the previous or the next buffer based on an order of which file was written in that window.
- 🪦 Kill a buffer to return to the previously entered file in that window.
- 💾 Session Restoration support for any of your session plugins.
- 📡 Lua api for all actions performed by the plugin.
- 📋 Supports Tabs: windovigation.nvim respects Neovim buffer > window > tab hierarchy.
- ⌨️ Keymaps to switch or kill buffers on
that can be adjusted in the options.
- Add the plugin to your config with disabled lazy loading, for example LazyVim:
lazy = false,
opts = {},
- If you use a session restoration plugin that provides something like a pre save hook, you should add our
to its config.
event = "BufReadPre",
opts = {
pre_save = function()
- Add
"buffers", "blank", "help", "terminal", "winsize", "tabpages"
to your globalsessionoptions
If your session restoration plugin isn't wrapped around :mksession
or ignores sessionoptions
, refer to their README on how to handle this properly, if needed.
vim.opt.sessionoptions = {
-- Windovigation required options.
-- Other options.
-- Auto restore state on SessionLoadPost.
-- When using plugins with custom session handling,
-- use require("windovigation.actions").restore_state().
auto_restore_state = true,
-- Auto persist state on VimLeavePre.
-- This only persists it vim global variables and
-- does not create the session file for you! It's
-- expected you have something else actually handle
-- the session file.
-- When using plugins with custom session handling,
-- use require("windovigation.actions").persist_state().
auto_persist_state = true,
-- When toggled on, closing a file will switch to the most
-- recent entered file, not the recently written file.
after_close_file_switch_to_recent = true,
-- Prevents the move actions from working when the current
-- buffer type is nofile, that's usually on buffers like
-- the Neotree or git diffs.
prevent_switching_nofile = true,
-- The files, where their path contains one of these values,
-- won't be scoped in our history
no_scope_filter = {
-- This is here to workaround git diff for a split second opening some kind
-- of a normal looking file in /private that shouldn't be scoped.
-- Prevents the buffer from closing, when there aren't any
-- of our tracked windows still scoping their file.
-- This only respects special buffer types.
-- For example if you wish to stop terminal buffers from
-- being closed, set this to {"terminal"}.
no_close_buftype = {},
-- Options for the built in keymaps that get
-- reattached to every buffer on enter, to avoid
-- lazy loaded packages from stealing them.
-- Set this to nil if you wish to set keymaps by yourself.
keymaps = {
bracket_movement_key = "b", -- Like [b, ]b, [B, ]B
buffer_close_key = "k", -- Like <leader>bk
By default the plugin automatically restores state on SessionLoadPost
, that's called by Neovim when restoring a session. But you can handle this manually with lua.
- Switches to the previous file.]b
- Switches to the next file.[B
- Switches to the first file.]B
- Switches to the last file.<leader>bk
- Closes the current file and destroys the buffer, if no other window has this file open.
- Switches to the previous file.:WindovigationNextFile
- Switches to the next file.:WindovigationFirstFile
- Switches to the first file.:WindovigationLastFile
- Switches to the last file.:WindovigationCloseFile
- Closes the current file and destroys the buffer, if no other window has this file open.
Integrating with your file picker is optional.
But it's expected that switching to a file through a file picker or a text search, bumps the file to the front of that windows history.
In Neovim there really isn't a consistent "File Picked" event, so this case needs to be handled manually in your config with require("windovigation.handlers").handle_file_picked
buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(),
file = file_name, -- A file name that was provided by your file picker.
I use Telescope, so I've included utilities that you should be able to add out of the box to your config or use it as reference.
-- Windovigation mappings that will bump the file in the active history, when selected.
attach_mappings = require("windovigation.telescope-utils").attach_mappings,
extensions = {
file_browser = {
mappings = {
["n"] = {
["<Enter>"] = require("windovigation.telescope-file-picker-utils").open_dir_or_file_action,
["l"] = require("windovigation.telescope-file-picker-utils").open_dir_or_file_action,