Releases: vmprof/vmprof-python
Releases · vmprof/vmprof-python
Bugfix release
- register_virtual_function cannot exhaust the buffers any more
- do not write over the boundary of the buffer that contains the stack trace
- print better warnings when the program run is too short
- add vmprof.is_enabled/vmprof.get_profile_path
- Pull request (only needed symbols), do not log function names that are not in the profile
- Better descriptor checks (e.g. cannot give a non writable fd to vmprof.enable)
- Warn user if vmprof file is bigger than 100 MB and uploaded to (might be rejected)
- Source distribution includes dwarf.def and other files required to build
- osx: dlopen+dlsym not used for libunwind (use standard way to link to libunwind)
Bugfix release
- pypy support to native profiling
- dumping native symbols is not implemented in C (to not maintain a C and a Python version)
- sample_stack_now has an optional paramter 'skip' which skips a certain amount of native frames
- win64 + cpython 3.6 compilation issue solved
- dynamic loading of libunwind symbols (to support pypy)
- added sqlite sample file
- do not overwrite base_headers for http requests if authorization is provided
Bugfix release
PyPy hotfix for 0.4.0
0.4.1 bump version
Native Profiling CPython
- Native profiling (C stack) is included in the profile (using libunwind)
for Linux & Mac - Windows 64bit support (no native profiling)
- The platform that reads the profile can be different from the platform
that generated it - updates to the flamegraph and general style changes
- Documentation updates
Jitlog Source Code (bugfix)
- Invoking
... -m vmprof --jitlog ...
did not upload source snippets to the remote server
Native Code Samples (Bugfix)
- Signals arriving while spent in native code (GIL released) often did not sample the correct stack (Linux, Mac)