Is a plugin to translate js, vue files with gettext
. It relies on the gettext-extractor
npm install rollup-plugin-gettext-vue
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue';
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import requireContext from 'rollup-plugin-require-context';
import gettext from 'rollup-plugin-gettext-vue';
const plugins = [
exclude: 'node_modules/**',
include: '**/*@(vue|js)',
languageFiles: 'uk',
output: './locale/messages.pot',
language: 'ru',
translations: 'messages.po',
template: {
isProduction: false,
compilerOptions: { preserveWhitespace: false }
export default {
input: './example/app.js',
output: {
globals : { vue: 'Vue' },
external: ['vue'],
file: 'example/dist/app.js',
format: 'iife',
name: 'WUJS',
options.include: '**/*@(vue|js)'
options.exclude: 'node_modules/**'
Patterns of files for filter. Both of which can be a minimatch pattern or an array of minimatch patterns. If options.include is omitted or of zero length, files should be included by default; otherwise they should only be included if the ID matches one of the patterns.
options.languageFiles: 'en'
Default: 'en'. The source language.
options.output: string
Path to pot file with found messages
options.language: 'uk'
Translation language. You can use "uk", "ru", "en"
options.translations: string
Name of file with translations in po format. The file must be in ./locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/* . uk_UA is the name of the folder that will be obtained from short name options.language.
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue';
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import requireContext from 'rollup-plugin-require-context';
const extractor = require('./dist/index.js');
var locales = ['uk','ru'];
const plugins = (ln) => [
exclude: 'node_modules/**',
include: '**/*@(vue|js)',
languageFiles: 'uk',
language: ln,
translations: 'messages.po',
template: {
isProduction: false,
compilerOptions: { preserveWhitespace: false }
export default => {
return {
input: './example/app.js',
plugins: plugins(ln),
output: {
globals : { vue: 'Vue' },
external: ['vue'],
file: 'example/dist/app.'+ln+'.js',
format: 'iife',
name: 'WUJS',
// formatted strings
const name = _('Mike');
const text = gettext(`Hello ${name}`);
// plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const n = 5;
const msg = ngettext(`${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
// context formatted strings
const chelloMike = pgettext('context', `Hello ${name}`);
// context plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const msg = npgettext('context', `${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
For using in vue components files add mixin methods
Vue.prototype.$gettext = gettext;
Vue.prototype.$pgettext = pgettext;
Vue.prototype.$ngettext = ngettext;
Vue.prototype.$npgettext = npgettext;
{{$pgettext('context', 'Test')}}
{{$ngettext(`${n} test`, `${n} tests`, n)}}
{{$ngettext('context', `${n} test`, `${n} tests`, n)}}
export default
mounted() {
const text = this.$gettext(`Hello ${name}`);
// plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const n = 5;
const msg = this.$ngettext(`${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
// context formatted strings
const chelloMike = this.$pgettext('context', `Hello ${name}`);
// context plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const msg = this.$npgettext('context', `${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
You can use the msginit
program to create and merge po files.
Create po file
msginit --input=messages.pot --no-translator --locale=uk_UA --output-file=uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po
Merge po file
msgmerge -o "uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po" "uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po" "messages.pot"
For usage another aliases of name gettext, pgettext, ngettext, npgettext you can add name of alias in file config.js
const calleeNames = {
gettext: ['_','$gettext','[this].$gettext'],
pgettext: ['$pgettext','[this].$pgettext'],
ngettext: ['$ngettext','[this].$ngettext'],
npgettext: ['$npgettext', '[this].$npgettext']
The gettext, ngettext, pgettext, npgettext functions will be added to the resulting bundle. Function calls gettext and pgettext will be replaced to the translated strings in the resulting bundle.