- Add an instance of
as a member of your generator - In the
function of your generator give the model manager a pointer to the document, and add in any models located in the document:if (document() != nullptr) { m_ModelManager.SetDocument(document()); } m_ModelManager.AddModel(V3dModel{ fileName.toStdString() }, 0);
- In the
function of you generator, cache the request, than call the Render function and present the QImage to the page however you want to:m_ModelManager.CacheRequest(request); QImage image = m_ModelManager.RenderModel(0, 0, (int)request->width(), (int)request->height());
- multi page documents - Basics are done, still need to do:
- in the short term im assuming all pages in a document are the same size, fix this
- the 12 pixel margin may change depending on resolution, 2k vs 4k vs 1080p
- Okular zoom optimization
- shader paths change when an external user uses the plugin
- Currently the plugin looks for the shaders in the path that Okular is run in
- New renderer
- Clean up includes
- Clean up CMAKE files
- Look into adding a tile manager to the generator
- panning and shifting
- make the index and vertex buffers once, than cache them, currently they are recreated every time we rerender
- documentation
- Presentation Mode dosent work at all
- Customizable Controls
- gamma3 still doesn’t work
- zooming in and out a lot can still cause a DEVICE OUT OF MEMORY vulkan error
- Opening multiple documents causes a crash
- Flickering on model movement on some systems