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A multi-threaded pentanomial simulator in C

  1. The simulator implements a GSPRT for the pentanomial model. It follows the Fishtest implementation. The simulator is not particularly optimized (in order not to obscure the code too much) but it is fast enough to simulate tens of millions of tests with realistic bounds (e.g. {0,2} in logistic Elo) in a reasonable time frame. This is enough to measure pass probabilities with 4 decimal digits.

  2. The theoretical basis for the GSPRT is:

  1. The theoretical basis for the pentanomial model is:

  1. The results of this simulator can be compared with the SPRT calculator used by Fishtest.

  2. Sample usage:

$ ./simul --elo_model normalized --draw_ratio 0.95 --elo1 5 --elo 2.5

Design parameters
alpha      =   0.0500
beta       =   0.0500
elo0       =   0.0000
elo1       =   5.0000
elo        =   2.5000
draw_ratio =   0.9500
bias       =   0.0000
ovcor      =   2
threads    =   4
truncate   =   0
batch      =   1
elo_model  =   normalized
seed       =   1609184261

draw_elo   = 636.4258
advantage  =   0.0000
probs      =  [0.000586, 0.045994, 0.903702, 0.049052, 0.000667]

Elo         Logistic          Normalized            Bayes
===         ========          ==========            =====
Elo0         0.00000             0.00000          0.00000                   
Elo1         1.11905             5.00000         11.47029                   
Elo          0.55915             2.50000          5.73392                   

sims=3582 pass=0.498046[0.472983,0.523108] length=42403.3
sims=7134 pass=0.498038[0.480278,0.515797] length=42285.6
sims=10770 pass=0.498236[0.483782,0.512690] length=42140.3
sims=14416 pass=0.494936[0.482444,0.507429] length=42002.2
sims=18091 pass=0.495937[0.484785,0.507089] length=42015.6
sims=21758 pass=0.495680[0.485511,0.505848] length=42048.9
sims=25373 pass=0.498286[0.488869,0.507702] length=42118.0
  1. The bias parameter is a proxy for the RMS bias of the opening book. The RMS bias is the Root Mean Square of the biases of the openings in the book where the bias of an opening is defined as the conversion to Elo (using the standard logistic formula) of the expected score for white between engines of "equal strength". Explicitly the RMS bias is the square root of the average of the squares of the biases expressed in Elo. In the simulation we assume that every opening has the same bias. One may show that in first approximation this is correct.

  2. The command line arguments for the simulator are in logistic Elo but to perform simulations we need a method to obtain realistic pentanomial frequencies. To this end invoke the BayesElo model internally. Therefore, our logistic input parameters draw_ratio, bias, elo have to be converted to the BayesElo model. We follow the following strategy:

  • Convert (draw_ratio, bias) to (draw_elo, advantage).

  • Determine the Elo for the BayesElo model (belo) in such a way that the expected score as calculated using the pentanomial probabilities derived from belo, draw_elo, advantage, corresponds to the given logistic Elo (elo). This requires numerically solving a suitable equation.

  1. We perform dynamic overshoot correction using Siegmund - Sequential Analysis - Corollary 8.33. For a rough introduction see

  2. Normalized Elo is discussed in However we now use a normalization factor


which has the effect that for small elo differences and a perfectly balanced book the following formula holds approximately


Hence when the draw ratio is zero, normalized Elo and logistic Elo coincide. For other draw ratios one has the following conversion table

draw ratio 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Normalized Elo 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Logistic Elo 5.00 4.18 3.54 3.16 2.74 2.24 1.58

A SPRT(0,5) with bounds expressed in normalized Elo (the above sample case) takes about 42k games to complete (expected worst case) regardless of the book or the draw ratio.

Summary of parameters

Parameter Description Default
--elo Actual Elo (difference) 0
--elo0 H0 corresponds to Elo=Elo0 0
--elo1 H1 corresponds to Elo=Elo1 5
--alpha Pass probability if H0 is true 0.05
--beta Fail probability if H1 is true 0.05
--draw_ratio Draw ratio between equal strength engines 0.61
--bias A proxy for RMS bias 0
--batch LLR calculation frequency 1 game pair
--ovcor Choose the discrete time correction algorithm 1
--threads Simultaneous runs # of CPUs
--truncate Stop the simulation after this many runs run forever
--elo_model logistic or normalized logistic
--seed Seed for the random number generator time(0)

For a description of the default overshoot correction algorithm see here .


A multi-threaded pentanomial simulator







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