uptest v0.1.1
Version v0.1.1 contains:
- Command line client
- usage examples
- usage documentation
- ability to decode extrinsics
- detect runtime upgrades and custom on-chain events
- Connect and subscribe to any metadata v14 chain using ws and rpc
- metadatadecode feature flags
- async functionality
- 5 different chain endpoints, preconfigured
- Lightweight types exported
- Forked version of desub utilized
- Functionality to easily parse blocks, extrinsic and events triggered in blocks
- Detect and parse storage types for every pallet
- Stand alone library(does not rely on substrate upstream main repo)
- default client requests: get_metadata_version, get_raw_metadata, blocknumber_to_blockhash, blockhash_to_block, get_latest_finalized_head, get_block_events, get_decoded_extrinsics_from_blockhash, get_runtime_version, event_watch
- Compatible with Tokio