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This is an API client for the MyMazda (Mazda Connected Services) API, written in TypeScript. This is the API used by the MyMazda mobile app (iOS/Android).

Note: There is no official API, and this library may stop working at any time without warning.

There is also a Python version of this library called pymazda.


To install the latest release from npm, run npm install node-mymazda.

Quick Start

This example initializes the API client and gets a list of vehicles linked to the account. Then, for each vehicle, it gets and outputs the vehicle status and starts the engine.

import MyMazda from "node-mymazda";

async function test() {
    // Initialize API Client (MNAO = North America)
    let client = new MyMazda("myemail", "mypassword", "MNAO");

    // Get list of vehicles from the API (returns a list)
    let vehicles = await client.getVehicles();

    // Loop through the registered vehicles
    for (let vehicle of vehicles) {
        // Get vehicle ID (you will need this in order to perform any other actions with the vehicle)
        let vehicleId =;

        // Get and output vehicle status
        let status = await client.getVehicleStatus(vehicleId);

        // Start engine
        await client.startEngine(vehicleId);


You will need the email address and password that you use to sign into the MyMazda mobile app. Before using this library, you will need to link your vehicle to your MyMazda account using the app. You will also need the region code for your region. See below for a list of region codes.

When calling these methods, it may take some time for the vehicle to respond accordingly. This is dependent on the quality of the car's connection to the mobile network.

API Documentation

Initialize API Client

let client = new MyMazda(email, password, region);


Parameter Description
email The email address you use to log into the MyMazda mobile app
password The password you use to log into the MyMazda mobile app
region The code for the region in which your account was registered
Supported regions include:
  • North America (MNAO)
  • Europe (MME)
  • Japan (MJO)

Return value

Returns an instance of MyMazdaAPIClient which can be used to invoke the below methods.

Get List of Vehicles

await client.getVehicles()

Gets a list of vehicles linked with the MyMazda account. Only includes vehicles which are compatible with and enrolled in Mazda Connected Services.



Return value

      "id": 12345, // You will need this ID to call the other methods
      "nickname": "My Mazda3",
      "carlineCode": "M3S",
      "carlineName": "MAZDA3 2.5 S SE AWD",
      "modelYear": "2021",
      "modelCode": "M3S  SE XA",
      "modelName": "W/ SELECT PKG AWD SDN",
      "automaticTransmission": true,
      "interiorColorCode": "BY3",
      "interiorColorName": "BLACK",
      "exteriorColorCode": "42M",
      "exteriorColorName": "DEEP CRYSTAL BLUE MICA"
      // Other vehicles registered to your account

Get vehicle status

await client.getVehicleStatus(vehicleId)

Get information about the current status of the vehicle. In my experience, this info is usually current as of the last time the vehicle was used.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value

   "lastUpdatedTimestamp": "20210227145504",
   "latitude": 0.000000,
   "longitude": 0.000000,
   "positionTimestamp": "20210227145503",
   "fuelRemainingPercent": 18.0,
   "fuelDistanceRemainingKm": 79.15,
   "odometerKm": 3105.8,
   "doors": {
      "driverDoorOpen": false,
      "passengerDoorOpen": false,
      "rearLeftDoorOpen": false,
      "rearRightDoorOpen": false,
      "trunkOpen": false,
      "hoodOpen": false,
      "fuelLidOpen": false
      "driverDoorUnlocked": false,
      "passengerDoorUnlocked": false,
      "rearLeftDoorUnlocked": false,
      "rearRightDoorUnlocked": false
      "driverWindowOpen": false,
      "passengerWindowOpen": false,
      "rearLeftWindowOpen": false,
      "rearRightWindowOpen": false
   "hazardLightsOn": false,
   "tirePressure": {
      "frontLeftTirePressurePsi": 33.0,
      "frontRightTirePressurePsi": 35.0,
      "rearLeftTirePressurePsi": 33.0,
      "rearRightTirePressurePsi": 33.0

Get EV vehicle status

await client.getEVVehicleStatus(vehicleId)

Get additional status information which is specific to electric vehicles. This method should only be called for electric vehicles. To determine if the vehicle is electric, use the isElectric attribute from the getVehicles() response.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value

    "chargeInfo": {
        "lastUpdatedTimestamp": "20210807083956",
        "batteryLevelPercentage": 10,
        "drivingRangeKm": 218,
        "pluggedIn": false,
        "charging": true,
        "basicChargeTimeMinutes": 3, // Estimated time in minutes to fully charge using AC charging
        "quickChargeTimeMinutes": 0, // Estimated time in minutes to fully charge using DC charging
        "batteryHeaterAuto": true, // Current battery heater mode (true = auto, false = off)
        "batteryHeaterOn": true // Whether the battery heater is currently running
    "hvacInfo": {
        "hvacOn": true,
        "frontDefroster": false,
        "rearDefroster": false,
        "interiorTemperatureCelsius": 15.1 // Current interior temperature of the car (actual temperature, not the HVAC setting)

Start Engine

await client.startEngine(vehicleId)

Starts the engine. May take some time for the engine to start.


Parameter stopEngine
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Stop Engine

await client.stopEngine(vehicleId)

Stops the engine. I believe this only works if the engine was started remotely (using Mazda Connected Services).


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Lock Doors

await client.lockDoors(vehicleId)

Locks the doors.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Unlock Doors

await client.unlockDoors(vehicleId)

Unlocks the doors.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Turn On Hazard Lights

await client.turnHazardLightsOn(vehicleId)

Turns on the vehicle hazard lights.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Turn Off Hazard Lights

await client.turnHazardLightsOff(vehicleId)

Turns off the vehicle hazard lights.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Send POI

await client.sendPOI(vehicleId, latitude, longitude, name)

Send a GPS location to the vehicle's navigation. Requires a navigation SD card in the vehicle.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())
latitude Latitude of the POI location
longitude Longitude of the POI location
name A friendly name for the location (e.g. "Work")

Return value


Start Charging

await client.startCharging(vehicleId)

Starts charging the battery (only for electric vehicles).


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Stop Charging

await client.stopCharging(vehicleId)

Stops charging the battery (only for electric vehicles).


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Get HVAC Setting

await client.getHVACSetting(vehicleId)

Get the current settings for the vehicle's HVAC system. Only for electric vehicles.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value

    "temperature": 20, // Current target temperature (NOT the current interior temperature reading)
    "temperatureUnit": "C",
    "frontDefroster": true,
    "rearDefroster": false

Set HVAC Setting

await client.setHVACSetting(vehicleId, temperature, temperatureUnit, frontDefroster, rearDefroster)

Set the HVAC settings for the vehicle's HVAC system. Only for electric vehicles.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())
temperature Desired target temperature
temperatureUnit Temperature unit - "F" or "C"
frontDefroster Whether to use the front defroster - true or false
rearDefroster Whether to use the rear defroster - true or false

Return value


Turn On HVAC

await client.turnOnHVAC(vehicleId)

Turn on the vehicle's HVAC system. Only for electric vehicles.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Turn Off HVAC

await client.turnOffHVAC(vehicleId)

Turn off the vehicle's HVAC system. Only for electric vehicles.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value


Refresh Vehicle Status

await client.refreshVehicleStatus(vehicleId)

Request a new status update from the vehicle. Only for electric vehicles.


Parameter Description
vehicleId Vehicle ID (obtained from getVehicles())

Return value



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