This is a pure-python intepretation of ARfit toolkit, based on numpy (so far)
This script so far only works for 1-dimensional time series, such as wav files for example. Therefore, for multi-variate data it is recommeneded to check on MATLAB scripts in the Github link above. I will update those accordingly in near future.
Please check
for running a test with wav file as input.
By default we assume sample rate is 16KHz and window size and step are 25ms/10ms respectively. If not, please modify the corresponding variables in the script. Hope that is self-explained well enough.
For general audio processing, one can check:
- python_speech_features for creating windowed frames;
- librosa for loading single wav files.
Needs to be planned more. I wanna extend the toolkit itself with more fancy ideas and not all utilities are useful for at least my analysis.
I also would like to have a Rust version of this but I need to investigate if numpy is supported well enough in such language. There is one as I know...