This role automates the excellent tutorial provided by @xkcd in the Dash Forum, specifically this thread.
System Wide Masternode setup with systemd and autorestart
This role automatically deploys a DASH masternode or fleet of DASH masternode servers using ansible. Right now this role gets you to the point where The Masternode server is ready for the ProRegtx and is ready for you to notify the network about the existence of the Dash Masternode.
This role is tested on Ubuntu LTS 20.04.
This role creates a dashadmin
user that handles all administrative work and a normal dash
user. It locks down root SSH access as well as via passwords and only allows access via SSH for the dashadmin
user and normal dash
access to the dash-cli or any other dash wallet access is available via the dash
user is only used for administration.
user is used for everything else. This is to keep the server secure against access attempts against root
- Ansible:
pip install ansible
- In the ansible/roles directory:
git clone
- SSH keys: Ansible operates via SSH keys, if you dont have ssh keys installed you will need to generate your own ssh keys. 'ssh-keygen' in your terminal and it will create a new key for you.
- A fresh Ubuntu VPS.
- In your
file enter the IP's of the machines
Make sure you can ssh into the machine before running this script
Variables are located in deploy-dashmasternode/defaults/main.yml
Users: users in the system, admin user to administer the system and dash_user to install dash
dashadmin_user: dashadmin
dash_user: dash
Required packages to run and install dashcore and dashd
required_packages: [ufw, python, virtualenv, git, unzip, pv, speedtest-cli, python-pip]
location of where dash.conf is expected
dashconf_file_path: /home/{{ dash_user }}/.dashcore/dash.conf
location of where dashcore is installed
dash_core_path: /home/{{ dash_user }}/.dashcore
location of swapfile
swap_file: /var/swapfile
location of dashpay github release
location where dash binaries will be installed
dashpay_install_path: /opt
url for sentinel repository
path where sentinel should be installed on the dash user remote system
sentinel_install_path: /home/{{ dash_user }}/sentinel
path where ansible will create the bls keys for the Masternode, used to check and backup
bls_keys_path: ~/.blskeys
This is an example playbook.
NOTE: gather_facts: no
is important to have. In building out the server we lockdown the root access to the machine. If you have gather_facts: yes
the script will work the very first time and give errors after that, due to the fact that it defaults to using root
access which after the first run is locked down with no password or ssh access.
- hosts: masternodes
gather_facts: no
- deploy-dashmasternode