Version 5.0.1
This version was tested with 5.17 or newer tracking service and Unreal 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4
- Support for analytics metadata reporting
- Support for UE 5.1, 5.3 & 5.4 preview
- CI Fixed
- UE 5.3 support for MAC silicon
Known issues:
- UE 5.4 bug with “Get Physics Linear Velocity”
- Horizontal scroll in widgets in packaged game* Controller Switching not working properly - not visible and not interacting.
- HMD offset is not set automatically for SteamVR devices and should be set manually for your headset in the IEPawnHands blueprint.
- As with most Unreal 4 VR projects, when run in VR preview in the editor, full framerate is often not achievable. This is fine when packaged.
- Auto calculating orientations with imported meshes that have negative scales require manual correction to the PreBaseRotation.
- With multiple leap device setups where one is Screentop, the screentop device position can be offset vertically
- With multiple devices, when rapidly plugging between devices, a ghost duplicate/inactive device can be detected
- FingerExtended is not used in Pose Detection scene
Use of the Ultraleap Tracking SDK is subject to the terms of the Ultraleap Tracking SDK Agreement available at, or another agreement between Ultraleap Ltd. and you, your company or other organization.