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Urs Liska edited this page Oct 27, 2013 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the ly2xml wiki!

ly2xml is a Github project to become a platform to develop a MusicXML export option for the LilyPond notation software.
While it seems widely acknowledged that having an exchange format would be nice/important/indispensable, there hasn't been any actual development in this area. Therefore this Github project aims to be a place where we can start collecting ideas and thoughts, and hopefully make any progress towards an implementation as an export filter, backend or conversion tool.

This wiki should get us going for initial discussion.
As a starting point there is a collection of statements from the lilypond-user mailing list:

Arguments for and discussion about the need for MusicXML support.

Thoughts on possible approaches and/or implementation strategies

In October 2013 Peter Bjuhr started an attempt to implement musicXML as a Frescobaldi function.
See his project description