The UCS CIMC Certificate Renewal Tool automates the process of generating a new standard or self-signed certificate signing request for the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) of Cisco UCS C-Series and HyperFlex servers.
- Python 3.7 or higher installed, which can be downloaded from
- If you're installing for the first time on Windows, select the option "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during the installation.
- Clone or download the UCS CIMC Certificate Renewal Tool repository by using the link on the main repository web page or by running the following command from the target directory if Git is locally installed:
If you are downloading the repository file as a zipped file, unzip the file once the download has completed.
git clone
- Install the required Python modules requests and urllib3. The requirements.txt file in the repository can be used for installation by running the following command:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- The IP addresses of the targeted Cisco UCS server CIMCs.
- User credentials with administrative rights on the targeted Cisco UCS server CIMCs.
After fulfilling the requirements listed in the Prerequisites section, can be ran directly from your IDE or imported into another module.
Please ensure that the above Prerequisites have been met.
Within the unzipped UCS CIMC Certificate Renewal Tool repository, navigate to the file.
Edit the file to set all the configuration variable values using the following instructions:
(a). Open the file in an IDLE or text editor of choice.
(b). Find the comment
.(c). Underneath, you will find the instructions to edit the configuration variable values to match your environment. Each variable has a sample value for ease of use. The variable values to edit begin under the comment
####### Start Configuration Settings - Provide values for the variables listed below. #######
.Completion of editing the configuration variable values is marked by the comment
####### Finish Configuration Settings - The required value entries are complete. #######
. -
Save the changes you have made to the file.
Run the file.
Here are similar tools to help administer and manage Cisco UCS environments.
Ugo Emekauwa