Hi there, Git users 👋
I'm Tyler Hoadley
I'm a passionate Platform Engineer and GitSecOps enthusiast with a strong focus on cloud-native technologies and integrations. I love creating efficient and scalable solutions that help teams achieve their goals.
🔧 Skills & Technologies
Languages: Bash, Python, Go, JavaScript, Perl, PHP
Virtualization & Containerization: Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, GCP, Azure, VMware
CI/CD: GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, Argo Workflows, Keptn
Monitoring & Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Tempo, OpenTelemetry, Nagios, Zabbix
Security: OAuth2, OIDC, StackRox, Synk-monitor, CrowdStrike
Networking: MetalLB, NGINX Ingress, NGINX Ingress Plus, Kong KIC, gateway-api-sig, Istio, Contour, Traefik
Storage & Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, SMB CSI, NFS Subdir Provisioner, Tegile, FreeNAS, TrueNAS, Rubrik
Infrastructure & Automation: ArgoCD, Terraform, Ansible, Helm, Crossplane, AWX, Tower, Semaphore, Google Cloud Connector, Azure Service Operator, Cloudflare Operator
Cloud Integration: Datadog, Slack, Opsgenie, Jira, GitHub, Kafka, B2B
Other Tools: Sealed Secrets, Cert-Manager, External-DNS, Stakater Reload, Masq-Agent, Kubed, Metrics-Server, Dex, OpenCost, Harbour, PgAdmin, PHPIPAM
Application Middleware: JBoss, WildFly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Liberty, Spring Boot, Drupal, Node.js, Python
🌱 Always Learning
I'm continuously exploring new technologies and methodologies to stay at the forefront of the GitSecOps and CNCF ecosystem. Currently, I'm diving deeper into advanced hybrid/multi-cloud Kubernetes techniques after completing the 'Cloud Architect Learning Path' via the Google Skills Boost modules.
💬 Let's Connect!
I'm always open to collaborating on exciting projects and discussing innovative ideas. Feel free to reach out or check out my repositories to see what I'm working on.