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Marei (peiTeX) edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 1 revision

The TUDaThesis and TUDaPhD templates includes very basic usage information on biblatex a complete package documentation can be found at texdoc biblatex or at beside this also the Overleaf Tutorial might be helpful (

This page is extending this information and also adding some instructions for different styles. Thanks to @habernal


The template is only loading the numeric style, which is default. But there is a large number of others available. All included in the TeX distributions can be found at

Citing Macros for non numeric styles

The numeric styles automatically brace all citations. Therefore one does not have to make a difference between the position of a cite.

This doesn't apply for non-numeric styles like authoryear. There are different cite macros to be used for cites within normal text, or with parenthesis to be places at the end of a sentence.

Lorem ipsum \parencite{einstein}.
\textcote{dirac} discovered lorem ipsum.
\citeauthor{knuthwebsite}'s approach.
Lorem ipsum \parencite[p.~12]{knuth-fa}.

The example will produce the following output

Lorem ipsum (Einstein 1905). Dirac (1981) discovered lorem ipsum. D. Knuth’s approach. Lorem ipsum (D. E. Knuth 1973, p. 12).

Options for tuning the citation style

BibLaTeX is supporting a huge amount of options to setup the citation. So everything withing a style can also be overwritten. To simplify it we show a list of possibilities. All these options are loaded with the \usepackage command.

   style=authoryear-comp,% variant of authoryear to sort and compress multiple citations within one cite command. 
   maxbibnames=30,% number of names to be printed within the bibliography before using “et. al”
   maxcitenames=2,% like maxbibnames but for the citations within the text
   giveninits=true,% print initials for the given name 
   doi=false,% hide the doi
   url=false,% hide the url
   isbn=false, %hide the isbn
   dashed=false,% don't use a dash if two items following each other in the bibliography have the same authors