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Using Howzit

Brett Terpstra edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Run howzit on its own to view the current folder's buildnotes.

Include a topic name to see just that topic, or no argument to display all.

howzit build

You can combine multiple topic searches by separating with a comma. When multiple results are returned, the :multiple_results: configuration determines how they're handled.

howzit build,deploy

Use -l to list all topics.

howzit -l

Use -r to execute any @copy, @run, or @open commands in the given topic. Options can come after the topic argument, so to run the commands from the last topic you viewed, just hit the up arrow to load the previous command and add -r.

howzit build -r

Other options:

Usage: howzit [OPTIONS] [TOPIC]

Show build notes for the current project (
  Include a topic name to see just that topic, or no argument to display all.


        --ask                        Request confirmation for all tasks when running a topic
        --default                    Answer all prompts with default response
    -m, --matching TYPE              Topics matching type
                                     (partial, exact, fuzzy, beginswith)
        --multiple TYPE              Multiple result handling
                                     (first, best, all, choose, default choose)
    -u, --[no-]upstream              Traverse up parent directories for additional build notes


    -L, --list-completions           List topics for completion
    -l, --list                       List available topics
    -R, --list-runnable [PATTERN]    List topics containing @ directives (verbose)
    -T, --task-list                  List topics containing @ directives (completion-compatible)
        --templates                  List available templates
        --title-only                 Output title only


    -c, --create                     Create a skeleton build note in the current working directory
        --edit-template NAME         Create or edit a template
        --config-get [KEY]           Display the configuration settings or setting for a specific key
        --config-set KEY=VALUE       Set a config value (must be a valid key)
        --edit-config                Edit configuration file using editor (subl)
    -e, --edit                       Edit buildnotes file in current working directory using editor (subl)
        --grep PATTERN               Display sections matching a search pattern
    -r, --run                        Execute @run, @open, and/or @copy commands for given topic
    -s, --select                     Select topic from menu


        --[no-]color                 Colorize output (default on)
        --header-format TYPE         Formatting style for topic titles (border, block)
        --[no-]md-highlight          Highlight Markdown syntax (default on), requires mdless or mdcat
        --[no-]pager                 Paginate output (default on)
        --show-code                  Display the content of fenced run blocks
    -t, --title                      Output title with build notes
    -w, --wrap COLUMNS               Wrap to specified width (default 80, 0 to disable)


    -d, --debug                      Show debug messages (and all messages)
    -q, --quiet                      Silence info message
        --verbose                    Show all messages


    -h, --help                       Display this screen
    -v, --version                    Display version number
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