This Terraform module provides outputs for a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster created with the Ionos Cloud provider. It retrieves important information about the K8s cluster, such as the cluster's host, token, and CA certificate.
This module accepts the following variables:
- Description: The ID of the Kubernetes cluster.
- Type:
- Default: None (Must be provided)
This module exposes the following outputs:
- Description: The K8s cluster's host address.
- Value:
- Description: The K8s cluster's authentication token.
- Value:
- Description: The K8s cluster's CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
- Value:
You can include this module in your Terraform configuration to retrieve the K8s cluster outputs. Here's an example of how to use it:
module "k8s_cluster_outputs" {
source = "your/module/source"
id = "your-k8s-cluster-id" # Provide the ID of your K8s cluster
output "k8s_host" {
value =
output "k8s_token" {
value = module.k8s_cluster_outputs.token
output "k8s_ca_certificate" {
value =