An ad-hoc utility to pump your data between kafka topics.
kafka-smallclone is an ad-hoc utility to reproduce data from one kafka topic to another.
Usage: kafka-smallclone --zk-from host:port/chroot --zk-to host:port/chroot --topic-from topic --topic-to topic [options]
Please note that number of partitions in -from and -to topic must be the same.
-f, --zk-from HOST Zookeeper source
-t, --zk-to HOST Zookeeper target
-i, --topic-from TOPIC Source topic
-o, --topic-to TOPIC Target topic
-r, --rewind AMOUNT 100 Amount of messages to rewind back from latest
-w, --duration SECONDS 5 For how long should smallclone work
-c, --consumer-group GROUP smallclone Consumer group name to use
-q, --quiet Quiet mode
-h, --help
A common usecase for this would be if you want to debug your application using production data, but your dev environment cluster is too small to hold all the production data.
./kafka-smallclone -f -t -i production_topic -o debug_topic -r 100 -w 10
This will rewind 100 messages from the latest one in the production_topic in cluster1, consume them and then produce them back to debug_topic in cluster2. kafka-smallclone will run for no more than 10 seconds, and if something happens to be produced while it's running, it will also be consumed and re-produced.
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's {:user {:plugins []}}
list: [lein-binplus "0.6.2"]
Build the binary:
lein with-profile common bin
Copyright © 2017 Pavel Gurkov
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.