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A new development environment for the 3DO Opera game console

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This is a 3DO Opera (M1) development environment. It is built from a number of components both new and old. The hope is that by making setup more turnkey and bringing documentation and examples into one location it will help facilitate more homebrew on the 3DO.



  • Norcroft ARM C v4.91 (ARM Ltd SDT2.51) [Build number 130] for Linux
  • Norcroft ARM C v4.91 (ARM Ltd SDT2.51) [Build number 128] for Windows
  • Norcroft ARM C++ v0.61/v4.91 (ARM Ltd C++1.11) [Build number 130] for Linux
  • Norcroft ARM C++ v0.61/v4.91 (ARM Ltd C++1.11) [Build number 128] for Windows


  • Original 3DO libraries from Portfolio 2.5 SDK
  • cpplib: basic replacement C++ standard library
  • svc_funcs: provides access to kernel functions while in supervisor mode
  • svc_mem: example device driver and its library
  • example_folio: example Folio (shared library)
  • Roguewave STL which originally came with ARM C++ (probably not worth using)


It is strongly suggested that new developers start with the original 3DO SDK documentation. While the layout is imperfect the documentation is reasonably thorough. The 3DO uses a high level operating system that abstracts the hardware and provides many features such as semaphores, threading, message passing, signals, etc. An initial focus on the OS APIs and how graphics work on the console is suggested.

More can be found at


  • 3it: trapexit's 3DO Image Tool
  • 3dt: trapexit's 3DO Disc Tool
  • 3ct: trapexit's 3DO Compression Tool
  • modbin: trapexit's recreation of the original SDK's tool by the same name
  • 3doiso v0.1 by nikk
  • 3DOEncrypt v0.6a by Charles Doty
  • MakeBanner v1.0b by Charles Doty
  • BMPTo3DOCel v0.6a by Charles Doty
  • BMPTo3DOImage v1.0b by Charles Doty
  • BMPTo3DOAnim v0.6a by Charles Doty
  • GNU make for Windows

trapexit's tooling may not always be fully up to date in this repo so double check by visiting the links provided above.



  • 3DO "takeme" CDROM base files from Portfolio 2.5 w/ a swapped out boot_code from Game Guru.


There really isn't a need to "install". You can simply download the repo and start using it in place. See #Usage below. However, you can set things up in a manner similar to a global install.


  • Download the dev kit.
  • Uncompress and move the folder into its final location.
  • Run buildtools\setup-env.bat
  • This will setup the appropriate enviroment variables at a global level. This removes the need to use activate-env.bat or activate-env.ps1 each terminal session.


  • Download: git clone --depth=1
  • Add source /path/to/3do-devkit/activate-env to your shell config file.


This setup is intended to be as simple as possible to get going. To that end it is primarily designed to be used in-place. There is no install required. Just download, activate environment, and build.


  • Modify Makefile to change the project NAME. Not much else should need to be modified in the Makefile for basic usage.
  • The makefile handles assembly source files (*.s), C files (*.c), and C++ files (*.cpp) in the root of src/.
  • Add and/or remove files from src/ as needed for your project.
  • Run make to build object files, link executable, build ISO, and sign ISO for retail use.

See below for OS specific workflows.



  • Download
  • Uncomppress and move the folder into its final location
  • From a terminal (cmd.exe or PowerShell):
    • Enter the directory: cd 3do-devkit
    • Source the environment: activate-env or .\activate-env
    • Run make: make
      • Generates iso\helloworld.iso
    • Run in RetroArch Opera emulator (if installed): make run
  • From Explorer:
    • Enter the directory
    • Run make.bat to build the project
    • Run make-run.bat to run the created iso via Opera if RetroArch is installed


Same as Linux


Make sure you have WINE installed. Some tools are currently only available on Windows.


  • Download: git clone --depth=1
  • Enter the directory: cd 3do-devkit
  • Source the environment: source activate-env
  • Run make: make
    • Generates iso/helloworld.iso
    • Run in RetroArch Opera emulator (if installed): make run

Bootstrapping a New Project

If you have "installed" the dev kit as described above you can create code and asset repositories in different directories which will use the binaries found in the "install" location.

To simplify the creation of these there are the bootstrap-project scripts. One for Windows and one Linux.


  • Run buildtools\setup-env.bat (if not done already) to setup paths globally
  • Make a directory for your project
  • Copy buildtools\bootstrap-project.bat to that directory
  • Run bootstrap-project.bat from within that directory

This will copy all relevant files into the path and can use it the same as described above. Feel free to remove bootstrap-project.bat afterwards.


  • Source activate-env as described above
  • Make a directory for your project
  • Copy buildtools/bootstrap-project to that directory
  • Run bootstrap-project from within that directory
  • You can also simply run buildtools/bootstrap-project PATH

This will copy all relevant files into the path and can use it the same as described above. Feel free to remove bootstrap-project afterwards.

RetroArch Opera Setup

make run will launch the Opera core of RetroArch if installed and run the built ISO. RetroArch can be found at but you will need ROMs for Opera to work correctly.

The script buildtools/download-retroarch-opera-roms will attempt to download required ROMs to the "system" directory of RetroArch if already installed. On Windows or Linux simply launch from a file explorer or a terminal.

NOTE: The scripts look in known directories to copy the ROMs to but it is possible you have a different setup. You can just go to the site and download the ROMs manually and place them into the RetroArch system folder.

DevKit Layout

  • bin/: All core binaries such as compilers, linkers, and media conversion tools.
  • buildtools/: Misc tools to setup the build environment.
  • src/: Directory storing all source.
  • takeme/: Directory storing all CDROM artifacts. Target for final "Launchme" executable. The name "takeme" originates from the original 3DO SDK.
  • art/: 3DO artwork. Currently only original 3DO SDK art.
  • docs/: Misc documentation from the original SDK and compiler suites.
  • include/: All include files from original SDK and community projects.
  • lib/: All libraries from original SDK and community projects.
  • examples/: Primarily examples from all available original 3DO SDK releases.
  • build/: Automatically created directory during build to store object files.
  • iso/: Automatically created directory during build to store ISO file.

Media Conversion


3it is a comprehensive tool supporting conversion to and from CELs, IMAGs, Banners, etc. Older tools are included for completeness but should not be needed.

Read more about CEL formats at:


ffmpeg can be used to convert files to a couple 3DO compatible formats but not all. ffmpeg does not currently have a SDX2 encoder (only decoder) leaving only the original MacOS software capable of encoding the format.

SDX2 compresses the audio to 8bits per sample and according to the original author, Phil Burk, sounds noticeably better than using raw 8bit samples.

uncompressed AIFF signed 16bit bigendian

ffmpeg -i input.file -ar 22050 -c:a pcm_s16be output.aiff"

uncompressed AIFF signed 8bit

ffmpeg -i input.file -ar 22050 -c:a pcm_s8 output.aiff"

uncompressed raw signed 16bit bigendian

Raw files can be useful if you want to create multiple samples at runtime from the same file.

ffmpeg -i input.file -ar 22050 -f s16be -acodec pcm_s16be output.raw"

uncompressed raw signed 8bit

ffmpeg -i input.file -ar 22050 -f s8 -acodec pcm_s8 output.raw"

compressed 4bit ADPCM IMA WS

Make sure you have a more recent version of ffmpeg to use adpcm_ima_ws

ffmpeg -i input.file -c:a adpcm_ima_ws output.aifc


A Cinepak library was included in the original SDK. Unfortunately, ffmpeg does not support the 3DO Stream container format nor does the Cinepak encoder generate frames which align properly for the 3DO.

Till a new decoder is written or ffmpeg modified to provide proper alignment you will need to use original Classic MacOS software.



Uncomment the line in takeme/AppStartup regarding sysload to add a CPU and DSP resource overlay to your app.

Development Notes and Gotchas

ARM C++ 1.11 compiler

  • ARM C++ 1.11 is a pre-standard compiler. From section 3.10 in the ref guide:
    • Exceptions are NOT supported
    • Namespaces are NOT supported
    • RTTI is only partially supported
    • C++ style casting is only partially supported
    • While technically mostly supported templates can be buggy and complex usage may crash the compiler

Memory Management

ARM C++ 1.11 treats POD (plain old data) and objects differently so POD must be expressly handled/ignored when worrying about object destruction. There are no default destructors for objects either meaning it is not possible to simulate a 'placement delete' to force destruction. obj->~OBJ() will not work unless expressly defined. As a result it is difficult to write generic template based data types. To work around this the STL like library provided removed memory freeing from 'delete' to force its use as a placement delete. Meaning that when wanting to free data from 'new' one should use memory_delete(ptr). That said best to use or create higher level objects to manage such things. Simple versions of shared_ptr and unique_ptr are provided.

There might be a better solution to this problem but after many attempts, including attempting to use the strategy by RogueWave which didn't seem to work, this was settled on till something better could be be done.


  • Project files for popular IDEs.
  • Continue to enhance the C++ standard library replacement.
  • C++ based 3DO specific libraries.
  • Create a new iso building tool.
  • Create a new iso encrypt tool.
  • More examples.
  • Better compiler support. Possibly use CLANG or GCC to generate assembly and translate it to work with Norcroft armasm.
  • More languages? If you have a ARMv3 compatible compiler and AIF linker (even if just different versions of Norcroft compilers) please reach out.
  • A version of the Opera emulator tailored for development work?


  • @ArmSoftwareDev on Twitter and Arm Support: for providing me with copies of ARM SDT 2.51 and ARM C++ 1.11. After reaching out to former Norcroft employees, software archivists, and even Bjarne Stroustrup without success finding a copy of ARM C++ from the 3DO era I reached out to ARM directly and they were able to find some copies and offered them to me for this project.
  • everyone at The 3DO Community Discord
  • XProger (author of OpenLara) who was the first project to use this dev kit


Donations / Sponsorship

If you find 3do-devkit useful please consider supporting its ongoing development.