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Touying (投影 in chinese, /tóuyǐng/, meaning projection) is a user-friendly, powerful and efficient package for creating presentation slides in Typst. Partial code is inherited from Polylux. Therefore, some concepts and APIs remain consistent with Polylux.

Touying provides automatically injected global configurations, which is convenient for configuring themes. Besides, Touying does not rely on counter and context to implement #pause, resulting in better performance.

If you like it, consider giving a star on GitHub. Touying is a community-driven project, feel free to suggest any ideas and contribute.

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Read the document to learn all about Touying.

We will maintain English and Chinese versions of the documentation for Touying, and for each major version, we will maintain a documentation copy. This allows you to easily refer to old versions of the Touying documentation and migrate to new versions.

Note that the documentation may be outdated, and you can also use Tinymist to view Touying's annotated documentation by hovering over the code.


Touying offers a gallery page via wiki, where you can browse elegant slides created by Touying users. You're also encouraged to contribute your own beautiful slides here!

Special Features

  1. Split slides by headings document
= Section

== Subsection

=== First Slide

Hello, Touying!

=== Second Slide

Hello, Typst!
  1. #pause and #meanwhile animations document








  1. Math Equation Animation document


  1. touying-reducer Cetz and Fletcher Animations document


  1. Correct outline and bookmark (no duplicate and correct page number)


  1. Dewdrop Theme Navigation Bar document


  1. Semi-transparent cover mode document


  1. Speaker notes for dual-screen document


  1. Export slides to PPTX and HTML formats and show presentation online. touying-exporter touying-template online


Quick start

Before you begin, make sure you have installed the Typst environment. If not, you can use the Web App or the Tinymist LSP extensions for VS Code.

To use Touying, you only need to include the following code in your document:

#import "@preview/touying:0.5.3": *
#import themes.simple: *

#show: simple-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!


It's simple. Congratulations on creating your first Touying slide! 🎉

Tip: You can use Typst syntax like #import "config.typ": * or #include "content.typ" to implement Touying's multi-file architecture.

More Complex Examples

In fact, Touying provides various styles for writing slides. For example, the above example uses first-level and second-level titles to create new slides. However, you can also use the #slide[..] format to access more powerful features provided by Touying.

#import "@preview/touying:0.5.3": *
#import *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.2"
#import "@preview/fletcher:0.5.1" as fletcher: node, edge
#import "@preview/ctheorems:1.1.2": *
#import "@preview/numbly:0.1.0": numbly

// cetz and fletcher bindings for touying
#let cetz-canvas = touying-reducer.with(reduce: cetz.canvas, cover: cetz.draw.hide.with(bounds: true))
#let fletcher-diagram = touying-reducer.with(reduce: fletcher.diagram, cover: fletcher.hide)

// Theorems configuration by ctheorems
#show: thmrules.with(qed-symbol: $square$)
#let theorem = thmbox("theorem", "Theorem", fill: rgb("#eeffee"))
#let corollary = thmplain(
  base: "theorem",
  titlefmt: strong
#let definition = thmbox("definition", "Definition", inset: (x: 1.2em, top: 1em))
#let example = thmplain("example", "Example").with(numbering: none)
#let proof = thmproof("proof", "Proof")

#show: university-theme.with(
  aspect-ratio: "16-9",
  // config-common(handout: true),
    title: [Title],
    subtitle: [Subtitle],
    author: [Authors],
    institution: [Institution],

#set heading(numbering: numbly("{1}.", default: "1.1"))


== Outline <touying:hidden>

#components.adaptive-columns(outline(title: none, indent: 1em))

= Animation

== Simple Animation

We can use `#pause` to #pause display something later.


Just like this.


Meanwhile, #pause we can also use `#meanwhile` to #pause display other content synchronously.

  + This is a speaker note.
  + You won't see it unless you use `config-common(show-notes-on-second-screen: right)`

== Complex Animation

At subslide #touying-fn-wrapper((self: none) => str(self.subslide)), we can

use #uncover("2-")[`#uncover` function] for reserving space,

use #only("2-")[`#only` function] for not reserving space,

#alternatives[call `#only` multiple times \u{2717}][use `#alternatives` function #sym.checkmark] for choosing one of the alternatives.

== Callback Style Animation

#slide(repeat: 3, self => [
  #let (uncover, only, alternatives) = utils.methods(self)

  At subslide #self.subslide, we can

  use #uncover("2-")[`#uncover` function] for reserving space,

  use #only("2-")[`#only` function] for not reserving space,

  #alternatives[call `#only` multiple times \u{2717}][use `#alternatives` function #sym.checkmark] for choosing one of the alternatives.

== Math Equation Animation

Equation with `pause`:

  f(x) &= pause x^2 + 2x + 1  \
       &= pause (x + 1)^2  \


Here, #pause we have the expression of $f(x)$.


By factorizing, we can obtain this result.

== CeTZ Animation

CeTZ Animation in Touying:

  import cetz.draw: *
  rect((0,0), (5,5))


  rect((0,0), (1,1))
  rect((1,1), (2,2))
  rect((2,2), (3,3))


  line((0,0), (2.5, 2.5), name: "line")

== Fletcher Animation

Fletcher Animation in Touying:

  node-stroke: .1em,
  node-fill: gradient.radial(blue.lighten(80%), blue, center: (30%, 20%), radius: 80%),
  spacing: 4em,
  edge((-1,0), "r", "-|>", `open(path)`, label-pos: 0, label-side: center),
  node((0,0), `reading`, radius: 2em),
  edge((0,0), (0,0), `read()`, "--|>", bend: 130deg),
  edge(`read()`, "-|>"),
  node((1,0), `eof`, radius: 2em),
  edge(`close()`, "-|>"),
  node((2,0), `closed`, radius: 2em, extrude: (-2.5, 0)),
  edge((0,0), (2,0), `close()`, "-|>", bend: -40deg),

= Theorems

== Prime numbers

  A natural number is called a #highlight[_prime number_] if it is greater
  than 1 and cannot be written as the product of two smaller natural numbers.
  The numbers $2$, $3$, and $17$ are prime.
  @cor_largest_prime shows that this list is not exhaustive!

  There are infinitely many primes.
  Suppose to the contrary that $p_1, p_2, dots, p_n$ is a finite enumeration
  of all primes. Set $P = p_1 p_2 dots p_n$. Since $P + 1$ is not in our list,
  it cannot be prime. Thus, some prime factor $p_j$ divides $P + 1$.  Since
  $p_j$ also divides $P$, it must divide the difference $(P + 1) - P = 1$, a

  There is no largest prime number.
] <cor_largest_prime>
  There are infinitely many composite numbers.

  There are arbitrarily long stretches of composite numbers.

  For any $n > 2$, consider $
    n! + 2, quad n! + 3, quad ..., quad n! + n #qedhere

= Others

== Side-by-side

#slide(composer: (1fr, 1fr))[
  First column.
  Second column.

== Multiple Pages


#show: appendix

= Appendix

== Appendix

Please pay attention to the current slide number.



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