This project involves developing a bot using Python to monitor currency exchange rates via the Uphold API. The bot checks rates at regular intervals, compares them with previously fetched rates, and logs an alert if a specified percentage change is detected. Asynchronous programming is utilized for efficiency and scalability.
Configuration and Environment Setup
- Files:
- y_config.yaml
- .env
- Description:
- Configuration Loading:
: Reads settings from currency_config.yaml
- Environment Variables:
- Configuration Loading:
- Files:
API Uphold
- Files:
- Description:
- APIClient Class:
- Utilizes aiohttp for asynchronous HTTP requests to the Uphold API.
- Example: Fetches the BTC-USD rate from
- Handles rate limiting by checking the HTTP response status. If status is 429 (Too Many Requests), it retries after the specified interval.
- APIClient Class:
- Files:
Currency Monitor
- Files:
- Description:
- CurrencyMonitor Class:
- Manages monitoring of multiple currency pairs.
- Example: Monitors pairs like BTC-USD and ETH-USD concurrently.
- Fetches current rates and compares them with the last recorded rates from DynamoDB. Logs an alert if the rate changes by the specified threshold (e.g., 0.01%).
- CurrencyMonitor Class:
- Files:
DynamoDB Client
- Files:
- Description:
- DynamoDBClient Class:
- Interacts with DynamoDB to store and retrieve currency rates and configuration information.
- Example:
- DynamoDBClient Class:
- Files:
Main Execution Script
- Files:
- Description:
- Main Function:
- Sets up logging and loads configuration.
- Initializes CurrencyMonitor with parameters from currency_config.yaml.
- Example: Starts monitoring process for pairs like BTC-USD, ETH-USD at intervals specified in the configuration.
- Ensures DynamoDB tables are created using
before starting the monitoring.
- Main Function:
- Files:
- Reason for Asynchronous Programming:
- Efficiency: Allows handling multiple tasks simultaneously, crucial for IO-bound tasks like network requests.
- Scalability: Manages concurrent HTTP requests for multiple currency pairs effectively.
- Responsiveness: Keeps the bot responsive, handling retries and rate limits smoothly.
- Libraries Used:
- aiohttp: For non-blocking HTTP requests to the Uphold API.
- asyncio: For managing asynchronous tasks and concurrency.
- aiobotocore: For asynchronous interactions with DynamoDB.
The following commands can be used to print the current DynamoDB table in different formats:
- Credentials:
export REGION_NAME='us-west-2'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='fakeAccessKeyId'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='fakeSecretAccessKey'
- Print as JSON:
$ aws dynamodb scan --table-name CurrencyAlerts --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --output json
- Print as formatted table:
$ aws dynamodb scan --table-name CurrencyAlerts --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --output json \
| jq -r '.Items[] | [.pair.S, .rate.N, (.timestamp.N | tonumber | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), .change_threshold.N, .check_interval.N] | @tsv' \
| column -t
- Print as CSV:
$ aws dynamodb scan --table-name CurrencyAlerts --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --output json \
| jq -r '["pair", "rate", "timestamp", "change_threshold", "check_interval"], (.Items[] | [.pair.S, .rate.N, (.timestamp.N | tonumber | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), .change_threshold.N, .check_interval.N]) | @csv'