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Pin URLs to local file and version the pins with git


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Pin URLs to local file and version the pins with git. Repeated downloads are versioned using a local git repository, and if getting a document from the web is not successful, a previous local download is made available.

The problem

You want to quickly and easily process an online resource using R functions, some of which only accept local files. Thus you would like the following properties for your workflow:

  • Download to a local file
  • But avoid downloading on every single run
  • Refresh your data regularly from the online source
  • Use a local copy if the online resource is not accessible
  • Have the local copy be easily accessible in a predictable location
  • Not ruin your local copy if the online version should change in a “bad” way

The solution

The gitpins package downloads a URL to a local file in the gitpins folder inside your project (the currently fixed path is determined by here("gitpins")), and then returns the full file name name of the local file, which can be passed as an argument to any function that expects to read such a file.

# Downloads on first try
pin("") |> 
  read.csv() |> head()
#> pin() downloaded fresh version ...
#>   rownames country_code         country_name year top_level_domain
#> 1        1           AD              Andorra 1974              .ad
#> 2        2           AE United Arab Emirates 1974              .ae
#> 3        3           AF          Afghanistan 1974              .af
#> 4        4           AG  Antigua and Barbuda 1974              .ag
#> 5        5           AI             Anguilla 1985              .ai
#> 6        6           AL              Albania 1974              .al

You can maintain as many resources as you need:

# Another resource
pin("") |> 
  read.csv() |> head()
#> pin() downloaded fresh version ...
#>   rownames     time value
#> 1        1 1749.000  58.0
#> 2        2 1749.083  62.6
#> 3        3 1749.167  70.0
#> 4        4 1749.250  55.7
#> 5        5 1749.333  85.0
#> 6        6 1749.417  83.5

The file is downloaded the first time you run pin() on a given URL (the actual download is done with curl::curl_download()). After that, it checks to see the age of the local file and re-downloads if it is to old. The default refresh interval is 12 hours, but is configurable with a parameter.

Note that the return value of the pin() function is simply the full path to the local copy of the file. You can therefore use pin() with the original URL wherever you would have used the local path of the resource. The exact name of the file is constructed in a deterministic way based on the URL (specifically, the base name is the digest() of the URL).

# Uses a cached copy if a recent one is available (start of the url changed for privacy)
pin("") |>
  gsub(pattern=".*/(gitpins/.*)", replacement="/home/user/project/\\1")
#> pin() found recent version, using it ...
#> [1] "/home/user/project/gitpins/"

The refresh interval is configured with the refresh_hours parameter. Use refresh_hours=0 to force a download on every call, and refresh_hours=Inf to always use the local copy (after the first download).

# Force a reload by specifying zero refresh time
       refresh_hours = 0) |>
  gsub(pattern=".*/(gitpins/.*)", replacement="/home/user/project/\\1")
#> pin() downloaded fresh version ...
#> [1] "/home/user/project/gitpins/"

# Always use local copy by specifying Inf refresh time
       refresh_hours = Inf) |>
  gsub(pattern=".*/(gitpins/.*)", replacement="/home/user/project/\\1")
#> pin() found recent version, using it ...
#> [1] "/home/user/project/gitpins/"

The gitpins directory is actually a local git repository, and each new version is committed to the repository. That way, a complete history of the downloads is kept, but if the resource is not changing a lot, this history will not take up an inordinate amount of space (because of the deduplication properties of git).

If the resource gets borked, you can retrieve older versions using git. A function is provided to list available pins (with or without history), but beyond that, the user is expected to use git directly for more complex retrieval operations.

#> Loading required namespace: tibble
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   timestamp                 url                                                                          
#>   <chr>                     <chr>                                                                        
#> 1 2024-03-28 16:33:23.74682 
#> 2 2024-03-28 16:33:23.58968
list_pins(history = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   timestamp                 url                                                                          
#>   <chr>                     <chr>                                                                        
#> 1 2024-03-28 16:33:23.74682 
#> 2 2024-03-28 16:33:23.58968
#> 3 2024-03-28 16:33:23.27699


Install gitpins with either of the following commands:

# or alternatively

You can then load and use the package like this:


To use this concurrently with another package that also defines a pin() function, exclude this function and use the alias gitpin() instead:

library(gitpins, exclude="pin")

Note that gitpins uses the native pipe operator (|>) and so depends on R (>= 4.1.0). If this is an issue for you, holler and I can probably be convinced of changing it to make it compatible with older versions.

Related packages and feedback

This package was inspired by the pins package, and in particular the pins::pin() function. However, that function stores the actual local file in a system location rather than inside the project, so using it did not prove reliable reliable. Furthermore, it did not have the desired versioning properties, and finally, it is now defined as a legacy function and is not part of the new api for that package. As a result, gitpins was born.

For feature requests, bugs, or other feedback, feel free to file an issue.


Pin URLs to local file and version the pins with git



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